"Sharpness is a bourgeois concept"


Sony A7III, Voigtländer 50mm f1 Nokton Aspherical VM lens
September, 2023 - Yokohama, Japan
Image is lower resolution than original​
It's December on the Calendar/


Img by Taipei-metro

Pentax APSC KS1,
Rikenon 50mm F2 fullframe Lens made in Japan
Bookshop lady
In a food market where I often shop there was a small specialist bookshop ran by a lady and her husband. (The area is now being redeveloped - I hope the shop will be back once more at the end of it all). I caught this photo of the lady one day. I rather like its gentle softness.

Quiet Moment in a Bookstore by Life in Shadows, on Flickr