1/2 Way to my own darkroom


Local time
11:37 PM
Jan 13, 2006
I just bought some used darkroom equipment for $150
I got all this in excellent condition:
Beseler 23C (1972) with standard light and cold light
Three neg holders (2-35mm & 1-6x6)
2 lens (El Nikkor 50mm & 80mm)
Clock, filters, easels (2), trays (11x14"), stainless steel film cannisters with reels, and a bunch of little stuff.

I'm so excited and to score all this for cheap from a guy who really loved his equipment and was just excited to see it go to someone who will use it.

Now all I need is a house to put it in...my girl and I are currently looking now :D
I never thought I would have my own darkroom! Thanks Larry P. for pointing me at craigs list.

When we get a house, I may have to pick your brain about some essentials of the darkroom and setup...
There's beer in it for you :)

Thanks again for pointing me in the right direction.

Right on, Jason- good for you. There's just nothing like printing your own work, is there? Anyway, in case you need it, here's a tip: put the standard (I assume condenser) head away and forget about it, and just use the cold-light head. Diffusion enlarger light sources (like cold-light heads) are far better than condenser heads- they yeild much greater tonality and supress dust. They just rock.

Check to make sure your cold light head has a blue-green (or cyan) bulb, which will work with filters and mutli-contrast papers. The original cold-lights mostly had green bulbs which were fine for graded papers, but you need a blue-ish light to work properly with v.c. filters and papers. (You can tell which you have just by turning it on and looking at the light.) It's hard to find good graded papers these days, and even if you can, the range of grades is very limited, so even if you have to switch the bulb out, do it- it's definately worth it. It might add a bit to the cost of your set up, but these bulbs last a pretty long time, and it's undoubtedly worth it to get to use the cold light.

As for the house part, good luck. My girl and I are looking for a house, too, so you have my sympathy there. Good luck, and keep us posted on how the whole thing goes!