1950s compact interchangeable lens cameras

I never heard of Pentax making anything like a scale focus or a RF camera. AFAIK they started with some SLR models in the 1950s and grew from there.

Asahi (Pentax) actually are one of the oldest companies in Japanese optics, a telescope (and gun/bomb sights) maker. After the war they supplied lenses to Konica and Minolta. The Pentax SLRs were the first cameras in their corporate history.
The Futura S has a similar footprint as the Leica III, but comes with combined rangefinder/viewfinder (thus is taller) and is a tad heavier. The most common Ever is a fine, Ultron type f/2 standard lens. It's a beautiful kit.

I'd say the system compares favorably (in usability, at least) to the marginally better finished but vastly more quirky Voigtlander Prominent cameras.

I mentioned Pentax as they made P&S's with and without zoom lenses and so I thought they might have made one of those twin versions; no other reason.

Regards, David

PS Do the Carl Zeiss Werra models count? They had a 35, 50 and (?)100mm lens range.
The Pentax 110 SLR cameras have interchangeable lenses, and while cute as a button, they are still 110. So not so much on enlargements if that is a requirement. At some point you get into the constraints of physics, and small camera = small film = small photos.

If you don't mind smaller than 110, this one looks about as small as you can get, and it's priced right at $2.99. Comes w/ a long lens too (for stalking the neighbor's cat, or the neighbor).


This camera looks really small, AND comes w/ a transistor radio


This 16mm shooter is way smaller than the Pentax cameras, and even has interchangeable lenses and motorized film advance (no radio though, which is just inexcusable)


And finally, my favorite, the 16mm Narciss which was a SLR w/ interchangeable lenses and a shutter that ran to 1/500.
