220-format film returns


Cameras. I has it.
Local time
3:56 AM
Aug 27, 2019
According to several sources citing Reflx Lab, new 220 color negative film can be bought again:

They have been making 220 format B&W film for some time:
SHJC/Shanghai film may have access to some of the equipment Kodak provided to Lucky as part of their 2003 agreement. Kodak pulled out of that agreement in 2007 after film sales tanked in China the same as everywhere else, but Lomo and some other colour films are still labelled ‘made in China’ but who knows what this means. Maybe it’s just sliced up there from master rolls bought and imported from somewhere else. But hopefully it means someone in China is still making colour film.
They have been making 220 format B&W film for some time:
SHJC/Shanghai film may have access to some of the equipment Kodak provided to Lucky as part of their 2003 agreement. Kodak pulled out of that agreement in 2007 after film sales tanked in China the same as everywhere else, but Lomo and some other colour films are still labelled ‘made in China’ but who knows what this means. Maybe it’s just sliced up there from master rolls bought and imported from somewhere else. But hopefully it means someone in China is still making colour film.

Perhaps someone can say otherwise, but I've heard nothing but negative comments about the quality of their film stock so I've never even considered trying it. Is it worth bothering with?
Perhaps someone can say otherwise, but I've heard nothing but negative comments about the quality of their film stock so I've never even considered trying it. Is it worth bothering with?
I bought a few rolls last year. It's not a bad B&W negative film from image quality point of view, but the one roll I did process had numerous "check" marks on the emulsion. This has to be a manufacturing flaw. I still have one roll in the freezer I need to shoot and process, but not on anything important.

Jim B.
Perhaps someone can say otherwise, but I've heard nothing but negative comments about the quality of their film stock so I've never even considered trying it. Is it worth bothering with?
I used it a lot a little over a decade ago when I was still cutting my teeth in medium format and didn't want to be shelling out for HP5+.

For a long while, I had it commercially processed:

But eventually I started developing it at home in Rodinal 1:50:

I always thought it was a really beautiful film - good tonality, detailed, pleasant grain, printed well.

The problem was everything else.

The backing paper back then seemed to be made from construction paper, and any humidity caused the ink from the backing paper to damage the film. The strip for sealing it was useless (I used to carry an elastic band for each roll!), and it curled like mad when you developed it - some of my negs from back then still roll back up when I take them out of the folder now.

I gather the company that makes it has been taken over and a lot of those issues have been fixed now. I picked up a roll of it in 35mm - another relatively new development! - and am looking forward to using it. I'll probably grab some 220 at some point, too; if I'm wrong and there's still QC issues, that should still be a safer option than the 120 as the lack of backing paper for the majority of the roll will prevent a lot of the damage issues that used to plague Shanghai GP3 back in the day.
Perhaps someone can say otherwise, but I've heard nothing but negative comments about the quality of their film stock so I've never even considered trying it. Is it worth bothering with?
The Shanghai film is beautiful when it works with an old fashioned thick emulsion and excellent tonality, but seems to have variable qa/qc. I cited them because it seems possible that they are linked to the rflx lab - both based in China, and the rflx shop was selling Shanghai film (but don’t seem to anymore).
I'm just now hanging three more rolls of Shanghai 220 and so far all looks OK to me. I agree with Freakscene that it can be beautiful. I'm running D23 1;1 in a Jobo Multitank 5, spinning on a Unicolor Uniroller. 12 minutes at 68F densities look good. 220 works good in the Mamiya C22 and C33.
I'm just now hanging three more rolls of Shanghai 220 and so far all looks OK to me. I agree with Freakscene that it can be beautiful. I'm running D23 1;1 in a Jobo Multitank 5, spinning on a Unicolor Uniroller. 12 minutes at 68F densities look good. 220 works good in the Mamiya C22 and C33.
Here's what I found. If you look closely at the model's face and hair, you'll see dozens of black, diagonal streaks. I processed the film as normally. They appear to be in the emulsion.


Jim B.