35 years


Local time
7:36 PM
Oct 4, 2006
In August 1980 i got my first own camera, a Nikon FM.
In this flickr album I will collect my black and white pictures from the last 35 years that could be called "street photographs" or, as I prefer "inhabitants of the planet earth".
Maybe you all want to have a look.
Another album with color photos is in the making.
I like it, and these days I don't like anything. It has a nice theme that isn't knocking you over the head. It is subliminal; it take about fifteen image to get the feeling.
Thank you all for the nice words! I will post some of my personal favourites here, with some words about the "making of".

[/url]f006 by Zeno Felkl, on Flickr[/IMG]

This one might be one the oldest in the whole series, taken in 1980. My grandfather, who was 90 when the picture was taken, was a great storyteller and when we visited him he told stories from the past for hours and he never minded being photographed.
Unfortunately he and my father are the only relatives that could be photographed easily, but that´s another story.

Nikon FM, Tokina 35-70mm (I miss this lens!), Ilford HP5;
[/url]swm138 by Zeno Felkl, on Flickr[/IMG]

One of the pictures that make me believe that in the streets it´s nearly all about luck. I am walking, the sun is moving and the children are playing; for a short moment the rectangles are balanced and both kids are placed right and wear the right colors.
Shot in 1992 (ca.) with a Nikon TW2AF on HP5
I'm glad you're relating more about favorite images, Zeno. Just keep emulating your grandfather here. Show more, tell more. I'll be at your knee.
Many of the photographs have a, for want of a better word, musicality to them which I find very inspiring.
Thank you all for your comments!
fotographz, thanks for following me!
Jerevan, the word I have in mind is rhythm, but we think of the same thing.
In August 1980 i got my first own camera, a Nikon FM.
In this flickr album I will collect my black and white pictures from the last 35 years that could be called "street photographs" or, as I prefer "inhabitants of the planet earth".
Maybe you all want to have a look.
Another album with color photos is in the making.

Some nice work in there, Petronius! Thanks for making it available to view.

Thank you, Godfrey! Many of the pictures were available on the net before, but in the last week I went through my files and converted many former color photos to B&W. I tried to give them all a consistent look.

[/url]BW 2009-300.01 by Zeno Felkl, on Flickr[/IMG]

This is a picture that showed me how close joy and pain can come. I was visiting the zoo with my family, we were there early and I could snap away many pictures against the low sun (Olympus 35 RC). I shot six rolls this day and in the evening I managed it to ruin half of the rolls by sticking them together in the tank! I the end I got four satisfying shots out of these six rolls, but when I opened the tank and saw what had happened ...
[/url]BW 2009-180.08 by Zeno Felkl, on Flickr[/IMG]

My son´s music school had a concert and in the end all the kids lined up for a group photo. I found all the parents and grandparetnts with their phones and digital cameras a much more interesting subject. I such situations it is very pleasing that my wife has a camera too and that she takes care of these "necessary" family shots. (Olympus OM-1, Zuiko 50mm/1,8)
[/url]_0023358 by Zeno Felkl, on Flickr[/IMG]
My landlords aunt, aged 92. She lives in a little flat under me. We try to help her with the daily tasks, but she refuses to stop working. This is thrilling, especially when she is using the axe or saw;-) This day I was allowed to carry the wood for her oven and when she slowly walked through the snow to her door I thought it looked as if she was carrying her former life in this bag.
<div style="width:615px;background:#F6F6F6;border:7px solid #F6F6F6;-moz-border-radius:4px;-webkit-border-radius:4px; color: #383131;font-family:'Trebuchet MS', Trebuchet, Sans-Serif;""> <a href="http://www.magcloud.com/browse/issue/1056572?__r=156924" class="test_navToIssue"> <img src="https://s3.amazonaws.com/storage4.magcloud.com/image/afd28d1791ac4e429e03e76ddb0cdf04.jpg" style="max-width:308px;margin-right:15px;float:left;border:0;" alt="#10 zeno felkl" /> </a> <div style="width:275px;float:left;"> <div style="margin: 10px 0 0 0;"> <h3 style="margin:0;font-size:18px;line-height:21px;font-family:'Trebuchet MS', Trebuchet, Sans-Serif"> <a href="http://www.magcloud.com/browse/issue/1056572?__r=156924" style="color:#0E467D;text-decoration: none;font-weight:bold;" class="test_navToIssue"> #10 zeno felkl </a> </h3> </div> <div style="margin:10px 0 0 0;font-size:11px;line-height:21px;font-family:Verdana, Arial, Sans-Serif"> <p style="margin:0"> By <a href='http://www.magcloud.com/user/petronius' style="color:#0E467D;text-decoration: none;" class='test_navToUserHome'>Zeno Felkl</a> </p> <p style="margin:0"> 100 pages, published 2/18/2016 </p> </div> <div style="margin:10px 0 0 0;font-size:13px;line-height:21px;"> Pictures of humans </div> <div style="margin:0;"> <a href="http://www.magcloud.com/browse/issue/1056572?__r=156924" class="test_navToIssue"> <img src="http://www.magcloud.com/resource/Image/medium_widget_foot" alt="Find out more on MagCloud" border="0" style="margin:19px 0 6px 0;border:0;" /> </a> </div></div><div style="clear:both;"></div></div>