90mm Noctilux?

It's the Picker X-ray lens. ELCAN made them too.
I was thinking about his mod a while back and the problem is the usability of the lens. It has no aperture, so it's a fixed f/1.0.
It would have extremely narrow depth of field as we all know and would be of limited utility simply due to focus issues but also because a diaphragm this wide does not exist for this focal length.
One could take a large format lens diaphragm which was wider and re-index it to match the 90mm lens' specs, but it would be massive.
A fun project, to be sure, but I'd say unless you can fit some aperture blades in there, you'll be relegated to night time & indoor portrait duty. Of course, not a bad repertoire to shoot either.
If you are looking for the "X-ray signature" (chromatic and sperical aberations), a more practical alternative might be Helios 40 or 40-2 that come in M39 (Zenith) or M42 mount, and have an aperture :) I like mine.