A reminder.........of Tom

Same here- I gave him a Jupiter-3 in LTM, he expressed an interest.
Got back a couple of lenses and a few interesting tools a week or so later.
A true photographic enthusiast.
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Before my main camera dealer Steve Mills retired, he told me how he bumped into Tom in Europe. Steve still had some of Tom's soft releases, if I recall correctly. I'll always remember how Tom talked about carrying manual film cameras in case aliens land, because of the often reported proclivity of UFO's to render electronic devices inoperable.
I remember TomA commented on my B&W photograph of "Fallingwater", designed by Architect Frank Lloyd Wright. Tom had recently visited Fallingwater, with the Leica Historical Society. I used a 4x5 Sinar Norma, it was my second visit photographing the famous ediface.

His comment-- "You should have used an 8x10"

LOL :) :)
Tom was the one who gave me some good advice when I was looking to upgrade my rangefinder experience, which is how I wound up with a Nikon S2, and later on I lost my resistance and expanded into the Leica sphere. He was totally right about everything he told me, and I am forever grateful to him.
