A short film: Life of a camera

robert blu

quiet photographer
Local time
10:16 PM
Nov 17, 2005
I found this short video by Andrew Saladino where we see what the 35mm Yamasheta has seen during all his life, included quotes by Steven Spielberg, Quentin Tarantino and Martin Scorsese.

Hope you'll enjoy it!

I would buy the 35mm Yamasheta camera in heartbeat if it would transport me to 1950s America.

Thanks for the head's up on the video, Robert.
I would buy the 35mm Yamasheta camera in heartbeat if it would transport me to 1950s America.

Thanks for the head's up on the video, Robert.

Yes! Such good memories and the people I miss so much.

How different things would be if we did not have old family photos...
Some great photos Dave! I can imagine to go out with a Leica hanging from a shoulder and the Yamasheta from the other...a good combo :)
PS: ok, I have no Yamasheta but sometimes I do it with my Holga!
It's a really nice conceptual film, but plays fast and loose with facts. Like the fact that most of the photos were not actually taken with that camera.

I enjoyed the film, but am so technically oriented that it bothered me, all the inconsistencies. At the base, a video camera did all the work, and a no-name, ok, Yamasheta, camera was the star. Then family snapshots from mid-century probably taken on a Brownie. I would have been better satisfied if the star camera was a Brownie, and the video moved slower.

I'm the wrong audience.

It's a really nice conceptual film, but plays fast and loose with facts. Like the fact that most of the photos were not actually taken with that camera.
