a walk with the Bessa III


somewhat colored
Local time
9:29 PM
Dec 15, 2011
I hadn't used the Bessa III for a bit so I decided to take it out for my Saturday morning walk this past weekend. It's funny: with my other 6x6 folders I tend to have trouble using a whole roll of film on the walk, but with the Bessa III I nearly ran of film early. My discipline is to shoot just one roll in whatever camera on the Saturday morning walk, though, so I caught myself and had one last exposure ready as my friends and I returned to the parking area ...

Voigtländer Bessa III, Fuji ACROS 100
Scanned with Nikon Super Coolscan 9000ED and VueScan

So I've had the Coolscan 9000 for a bit now, but only yesterday really learned how to scan 6x6 in a fairly automated way. With that learning curve behind me, and the VueScan settings stored for re-use when needed, it now takes about 45 minutes to scan a roll of 120 6x6 exposures, end to end including embedding the appropriate EXIF data and importing into Lightroom 4.3. LR4.3 has no trouble managing and rendering the 79 Mpixel, 450 Mbyte DNG encapsulated TIFF files on the latest Mac mini I'm using now; it's very snappy in use.

I've ordered the ANR glass carrier for the Coolscan 9000 too as I'd like to scan including the film rebate now and then. (Oof: that's a pricey piece all by itself. :-\ )

Oh yeah: these down-rezzed web images really lose a lot of a lovely detailing that the Bessa III and ACROS 100 capture. It makes a much bigger difference when I'm printing a 13x13 or larger print. Here's a 1:1 clip of the picture above, for example...


Truly impressive detailing.
