California (Southern) Adolph Gasser Photography to close

I know I've been to this store...might have been 20 years ago...pretty sure I have one of their cards...don't remember what I bought...
My Dad shopped there during their heyday. The store is a shell of it's former self but it's still sad that it's closing down.
Went in to the 2nd St store one time.
That one visit made sure there wasn't a second.

Still, sad to see a long storied business go, and I hope someone properly documents the contributions properly
The 2nd street store had a wonderful film department downstairs up until 6 or 7 years ago. I used to pop in now and then when I was running low while shooting out and about.
I looked into Adolph Gasser only a couple of times over the last five years and remember the poor stock - not even being able to buy something as basic as a 49mm Hoya polarizer.

On the other hand, Fireside camera, seems to be doing okay - I got a nice black Pentax MX last year.
The old Geary Street Gasser's was a fountain of equipment and expertise. But the 2d Street successor will be not-so-hard to miss.
