Advice...? M9 or M43...? Longevity?

In ten years it will probably be repairable, as that is Leica's stated policy. My 2004 Digilux2 is still fully repairable, and still takes wonderful photographs
Thanks for your insights.

I'm definitely looking more for use than $$$ in terms of 'long-term investment'...

So... as I'm looking at the images I see for the Olympus EM5 online, which are pretty stunning, I find myself asking if it's better to buy a new camera every couple years or, spending much more, get one that will last 10+ years. I'm sure (well, mostly sure) an M9 will deliver a better image... but it's definitely not a night-vs-day kind of thing.

So... judging by the responses... it seems that dumping the film camera is a no-brainer... but it also seems that there's no way to really know if the M9 will be a working camera in 10 years... (and it will almost certainly not be one that can be repaired)...

So, going by that, it would seem to make sense to go the cheaper route and just accept that a body won't last as long....

Am I missing something?