Am I a coward?

You aren't a coward, nor are you the only one to do this.

Watched a documentary where a Nat Geo photog talked about a time he had to put his camera down.

I probably wouldn't have done what you did, but I consciously tell myself "I don't care" when I do that sort of thing.
Can't remember his name, but one of the famous Japanese photographer that witnessed the atomic bombings could not take a single picture in the 45 minutes after the blast. I think he took half a dozen on the whole day. He said most of his colleagues acted the same, they were is shock and horrified.

I guess it is just a normal reaction you had, not coward at all.
Am i a coward?
The situation you explained has nothing to do with courage. It deals more with ethics and morals then courage. But, since you asked the question...and I have a 50/50 chance of being wrong or right, I'm going to guess 'Yes' you are a coward. ;)

Has anybody else been in a situation where you stopped taking photos and asked yourself later why you stopped?