Leica LTM Amazing -- People recognize LTM Leicas

Leica M39 screw mount bodies/lenses
I had it happen a couple of times here in Japan, too. As Al mentioned, carrying a Rolleiflex is a warranty that a least one stranger will start a conversation about old cameras, the screw-mount Leicas come second (I have an IIIf) and third the M2, M3, M4 especially when a lens with googles is mounted.
Same here, the Rolleiflex always gets looks of interest and some comments. My favorite is "My father had one of those." I could relate to that years ago when I was younger since my father used a Rolleicord, but now that I'm more gray on top and not a full mane, I'm the whole package of vintage ;-) Here in Japan everyone [it seems] knows 'Leica,' even non-photographers, and high interest in film cameras in general they are just 'cool' and a Leica LTM camera with its iconic look is an eye catcher.
While my Canon P and Yashica TLR have gotten attention at times, the camera that gets the most interest is my Gibillini Bellatrix 8x10 view camera.

I once had young woman ask to view the rear screen on my F5 after I took a picture at a local street fair. She was really flummoxed when I showed her the camera back and told her it was a film camera.