anyone think that flickr, kind of sucks?


Local time
2:56 AM
Jul 10, 2011
Well, I'm not talking about the quality of photos or content but I feel that organizing your content almost works against you. Everything seems to take a long time....that includes adding/removing yourself from groups, sending/removing photos from groups, organizing your photos/sets/photostream, and things like that. I guess it isn't that big of a deal if you JUST upload images.
Yeah, but I haven't found better. Picasa is more annoying, photobucket is terrible and ugly. Flickr could be awesome with a few UI improvements that really aren't drastic. Better ability to do things with multiple files at once, really.
I tried flickr and photo bucket and found the interface not suited for me. Been with SmugMug for 5 years now and I can say it's the simplest way to upload and download.
some months ago was trying jump the ship to 500px but end up splashing in the middle, and swim back.. photo uploader tool of 500px, kinda sucked in my use. then Flickr also came with new tablet/handset app, been pretty happy since. am sure they're are not sitting on their laurels, like past years. but lets see :)
I dont do the group thing at all.

I just look at my friend's uploads and upload my own, which are seldom viewed. as long as I can post a version on forums I am happy.

in the past I used to rent out servers for various purposes and would upload photos that way but that time is long past for me and flickr works ok.
..I feel that organizing your content almost works against you. Everything seems to take a long time....that includes adding/removing yourself from groups, sending/removing photos from groups, organizing your photos/sets/photostream...

Have you tried using Flickr's Batch Organizer? It's pretty intuitive and lets you edit multiple photos at a time.
Flickr is what it is. It might "suck" for how you would like to use it, but I don't think it "sucks" as a whole.
Maybe suck is too strong of a word.

I love flickr because of the community but I find organization difficult. I upload often so it seems to get to me more and more.
The old 'uploader' was time-consuming. I hated it but I put up with it.

Once I got used to the new 'uploader' I found it was much faster. Batch-processing was better too.

I think Flickr has its quirks, but it's better than a lot of other photo-hosting sites out there. I'm too much of an amateur / hack to post on 500px anyway. LOL!
I wish that you could choose different "lay outs" for your photos. That looking at your photo stream would be more customizable and not just images in rows of 3x3 if that makes sense.

That being said, the image quality from flikr in my opinion can't be matched. They don't destroy your image when you upload.
It serves a purpose and does it fairly well. My only gripe is that the mobile app doesn't have the ability to add to groups or sets when you upload. That aside I like it.
Well, I'm not talking about the quality of photos or content but I feel that organizing your content almost works against you. Everything seems to take a long time....that includes adding/removing yourself from groups, sending/removing photos from groups, organizing your photos/sets/photostream, and things like that. I guess it isn't that big of a deal if you JUST upload images.

No. I think all this works just fine. Especially adding to groups is so easy. Doing bulk changes (e.g. for tags) is a good feature too.
The old 'uploader' was time-consuming. I hated it but I put up with it.

Once I got used to the new 'uploader' I found it was much faster.

I think the best Flickr uploader these days is Lightroom. Renames, sizes, changes colour space and water marks (if you want) in one go. If you make adjustments to an image it automatically marks it to update and you can have images removed by Lightroom if you want.
Flickr is very good. I use Lightroom to manage upload/remove my images from Flickr. Any changes are just 'Published' very easily, no major complaints with this Combo ...
I mostly use both RangefinderForum and Flickr; because they are structured so differently they have different and complementary strengths :).
Overall happy w/ flickr except I can't change sequence of pictures once they are uploaded. You know, sometimes opinion about sequnce changes after an hour or day.

I'd also change access to some actions, like editing tags. Uploader of picture could right click on picture and edit tags instead of strolling though menu.