Argust Day 2012


PF McFarland
Local time
8:25 AM
Jan 1, 2009
Don't forget, Argust Day is on the 12th (August) this year. So break out those Made In The USA babies, and burn some film! If you don't make it, the next date is August 13, 2013 (see a pattern here?).


ps: Post results on Flickr or in this thread
I've been waiting; I'm going to shoot my Argus AF! :D

Shot one roll of 100Tmax, and a roll of Gold 100 (in the C-3 with the Sandmar lenses), will post later in the week.

I took a C3 to an Albuquerque car show on Sunday.


I found the camera recently at a yard sale. It cleaned up nicely and I thought I'd sell it since I have a couple others that work fine. They are each a little different in regard to features, though. Now, I'm finding it hard to part with the camera after it has made some nice pictures for me.

There are a few more pictures from the roll of Fuji 200 on my blog.
After viewing your photos, Mike, I'd definitely say keep the camera. And being one of the later models (Colormatic), it's bound to have many more miles left on the odometer. BTW, the lens has a built-in holder for Series V filters.

Got my two rolls back, and I didn't mess things up too bad. I don't know what it is, but everytime I use that C-3, I screw something up. But I've got 27 photos up on Flickr now, and four samples here below.

Rays Of Brightness by br1078phot, on Flickr

At Your Service by br1078phot, on Flickr

The Visitor by br1078phot, on Flickr

Apple Orchard Mountain Radar by br1078phot, on Flickr

The rest can be seen on Flickr at

Be sure to read the opening comments.

Great results from that C3 in both b&w and color. The butterfly shot really demonstrates the fine quality the Cintar is capable of providing.
Great results from that C3 in both b&w and color. The butterfly shot really demonstrates the fine quality the Cintar is capable of providing.

Thanks, Mike. Though you are right about 50mm Cintar sharpness, all the shots were with the Sandmar lenses (the 100mm was only used on "Apple Orchard Mountain Radar"). The butterfly was shot from as close as I could get and keep it in focus. Just think how nice these would look if I had gotten the higher res scans? And I need to check the 35mm as it exhibits a fair amount of flare when pointed into the light.



Thanks. I didn't read your Flickr page closely enough. I'm surprised by the 35mm lens result. I didn't get nearly those nice results from the one time I used mine. I clearly need to give it another shot.
I think a lot of it depends, Mike, on whether you get the alignment correct when mounting it to the camera. A couple of teeth off, and there goes the focus. I will say mine seems to work best from close to middle distance, falling off somewhat as you get towards infinity. That could be a product of whatever is causing the flare.
