Ariana's Photos (Mentoring a young photographer)


Real Men Shoot Film.
Local time
6:57 AM
Apr 1, 2007
At the beginning of September, 2017 an old friend's daughter asked me if I would look at some photos she had taken and help her improve them.

Ariana is 20 years old, the same age as my son. She has been in very poor health for several years, having been diagnosed with Lupus, a rare autoimmune disorder, when she was a teenager. She began to have an interest in photography as a hobby, in order to have something fun to do on the days when she feels well.

She was using the camera in her smartphone, and the photos suffered from the terrible technical quality that cellphone cameras (aside from high-end ones like the iPhone) produce. She has very little income, and could not have bought even an inexpensive camera herself, so I told her she could have an old 5mp digital point and shoot camera that I had gathering dust on my shelf. It is an old one but produces FAR better photos than her phone did.

She came over and I showed her how to use the camera. She was excited about it, and a couple days later had some photos to show me. She had never taken pictures with a real camera in her life, but she had made several really good photographs!
She is especially interested in bugs, spiders, plants, and other nature subjects.

Here are a few of the photos she did with the point-n-shoot camera:







That is really cool. Photography (or anything creative) can be a blessing if you are not well. Nice of you to give her a camera. Those are very cool photos.

I have been sort of mentoring a friend's nephew, who is about 21. Last year I gave him a Minolta SR-T 101 with a 55/1.5, then helped him procure some film. I go out shooting with him every now and then, and I scan his film (soon I will get him going doing his own scanning).
About a week after I gave Ariana that old digital camera, I was talking to Steve R., a photographer who had asked me for some technical advice. I mentioned that I was mentoring Ariana and had given her an old point-n-shoot camera to use. He said; "I have a lot of cameras, film and digital, sitting around. If she wants one, I'll find a camera and lens for her."

Steve sent me a Canon digital SLR that looked like it had never been used and a 17-135mm zoom lens! Ariana was so excited about the DSLR that she was at my house the day the mailman was supposed to bring it. I had the batteries charged and ready to go before she got here, and I showed her the basics of how to use it. She immediately went out in my yard and began photographing the flowers.

She was amazed that someone she didn't know (and someone I had never met in person) would be so kind and generous. The photography community is full of many wonderful people like that!

The photos below are some of the first photos that Ariana made with the DSLR that Steve sent her, made during the first three days that she had it in her hands! She has a real talent, and I'm happy that I could help her start her journey, and we are both deeply appreciative of Steve's incredible gift to her.










That is really cool. Photography (or anything creative) can be a blessing if you are not well. Nice of you to give her a camera. Those are very cool photos.

I have been sort of mentoring a friend's nephew, who is about 21. Last year I gave him a Minolta SR-T 101 with a 55/1.5, then helped him procure some film. I go out shooting with him every now and then, and I scan his film (soon I will get him going doing his own scanning).

I've been in poor health all of my life. I spent half my childhood in the hospital because I had seizures all the time and a few years ago I had a stroke. I have always found my photography to be something that gave some joy in my life that I otherwise didn't have.
I've been in poor health all of my life. I spent half my childhood in the hospital because I had seizures all the time and a few years ago I had a stroke. I have always found my photography to be something that gave some joy in my life that I otherwise didn't have.

Agreed. I got into photography around the time I was diagnosed with ALS. Having something creative that I could focus on has made a huge difference in my life since then.
I have spent some time looking at Ariana's photographs. You have a gem to work with. Her florals demonstrate an eye for composition and a solid esthetic sense. God bless both of you.
My hat's off to you, Chris, for the kind mentoring of this young person. And to Steve R., who Kindly donated the DSLR.

I'm sure she will continue to learn much about photography with your help.
Creative pursuits such as photography will help to lighten the burden of her health challenges, as you, Colton, I (leukemic), and countless others know.

I believe the kindness shown to her will be an example she will follow and offer to others in her life.
I'm glad you guys were able to step up her camera quality twice... I'm sure that made her day each time!
I'm glad you guys were able to step up her camera quality twice... I'm sure that made her day each time!

It did! No one has ever given her anything like that before :(

What's crazy is that after Steve told me he was sending the DSLR, but right before it arrived, the point-n-shoot that I had given her began to die. Random pictures were showing big purple lines running through them. The new camera arrived just in time!
This is a wonderful series of events born of kindness and generosity.
You have given a fine example to this naturally talented young lady. May she continue to grow in her new pursuit and find some measure of consolation in it, as you have and others here have done. May God bless you both.
How kind of Steve to make a gift of a DSLR, and I'd be hard-pressed to imagine a better mentor in photography than you, Chris. Such meaningful contributions to this young woman's life. She clearly has a good eye and her photography appears to be developing quickly.

- Murray

I just want to say that this thread and the pictures you posted made my getting to mentor this young mind is such a great thing for the two of you...
You can see from her current work she has a vision, a way of seeing and a want to improve or a better way to put it "Fine Tune" her Art.
I think a lot of us photographers have so much gear for times like this when we just give stuff away towards a Good cause...
Keep us posted as she continues...
Sorry its taken me so long to respond to all of the posts. I wasn't feeling well yesterday, and wasn't online much. Thanks for all the kind words about Ariana's photos. I know she'll love seeing all the positive comments when I show her the thread.

Here's a photo I made of her the day the DSLR arrived:

This is a wonderful story Chris, thanks for sharing.

For sure Ariana has a vision and with the help of a special mentor and friend as you are she will be able to develop an interesting body of work.

Thank you Chris for sharing this moving story.
She is lucky for getting you as a mentor.
good health for both of you.

Dear Ariana,
You have a great sense of tonality for your age...
Keep going!
You could possibly enjoy black and white photography too, where contrast and concept are blended and intensified as color is absent...
Have a nice day!