Artists don't care about equipment? Bulls--t!

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This kind of stuff represents a small group of insane and obsessed people. I recently published a book and offer it in two forms. One Delux edition I sell and distribute and another cheaper version with lower quality printing and paper on amazon. The Delux version is $27.95 and the Amazon is $24.95. I checked eBay a few days after launching the first Amazon books and found one sold for $252. I took one of the Delux versions and put it on eBay and got $127.50.

I'm happy they're out there because they really help the bottom line but these are folks that need serious medication. They only represent a small group of obsessed people not the general buyer.
By the way, to those of you who sneer at Chris for his "fine arts degree" - my sense is that he doesn't come from money, and so maybe that degree was a real achievement in more ways than one. It certainly does not make him less of a real artist.


He should be proud of his accomplishments, he has every right to be.

I don't always agree with some of the things Chris posts, but I would like to see this piling on him STOP NOW!
He is an important member here, and we don't need to push any more heavy contributors away, do we?

So please, lighten up on Chris.
My wife , Cynthia Tollefsrud, is a painter and has exhibited with the old masters in museums. She's painted for most of her life and sold hundreds of expensive paintings to privat collectors as well as corporate. HeR work is housed in special collections as well.

My brother, Lynn Dudenbostel, is one of the top guitar and mandolins makers in the world and produces instruments for some of the top musicians.

Neither my wife nor my brother obsess over their tools. Both obsess over the end product.
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