aux finder for 6x6, 80mm

Local time
9:32 AM
Jul 16, 2005
looking for a vf for my perkeo II, as the built in is both tiny and impossible to use for accurate(-ish) framing (ime). i know about the konturs, but i'm having a slightly hard time imagining it would work for me, and they seem a little pricey to buy without trying.

any of you know of a dedicated viewfinder for the square format, 80mm??..

Several folding cameras came with swing-out wire finders. You could try making one of those, experimenting until you get the right distance from peep-hole to front frame.
Thor, try a 35mm finder for 35mm camera and mask it down to square. Check coverage by looking at some blank film held over the film gate with camera back open and shutter set at B.
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payasam, franks, good suggestions..

only with limited time, and perhaps more importantly, way too many thumbs, i had been hoping for something out of the box..

and isn't it so typical that i just go rid of my last aux finder for 35mm ,-)
There is a Voigtlander Contur 6x6 finder made specifically for this. I haunted eBay for a couple of years and found one. Then another one came up for sale. Be persistent with the keyword Contur.

(Be aware that most Contur finders are 24x26mm format.)
SORRY. Kontur, with a K. And me with four years of German back when.

There is one on eBay right now!