New York B&H Train

Cal, now that you mention cycling... When I go out with a camera riding, well, it is not that much cycling anymore. Somehow I pace the ride down and am much more akin to scout and frame, as if it were faster walking. During weekends we have a small group for cycling around the fields and trails here and I never got a camera in there for that reason - pure cycling then.

Robert, going into the "Qalzone" adventures is a good idea. I bet there have been many changes around the city since I was a year ago. Those highrises in LIC and Brooklyn must have gone way up now.

I haven't warmed up to driving close distances. During low season roads here are rather OK. Motorcycles and bikes seem a nice way to do the photo start-stop as needed. In city it's a no brainer for me to take public transport. Currently I don't go to the city and seem to have become a semi-rural person.
Good to have another line to go uptown-downtown on the next visit.