Hong Kong B&W chemicals in HK


Local time
8:43 AM
Mar 21, 2005
Greetings HK RFFers,

I'd like to get back into developing my own film, and would like to find out where you source your chemicals (HC110, Rodinal, Fuji Microfine) and equipment (tanks, reels etc.) from. I've tried asking around Wing Shing in Mong Kok, but all they had was TMax developer.

I've not yet tried the stores in Stanley Street - any suggestions?

Many thanks in advance,

Photo Scientific

Photo Scientific

I bought a shed load from there recently.... film bag, patterson reels, measuring jugs, microphen developer - powder, fixer etc.
They have a small but reasonable range of stuff from Kodak and Ilford products including papers etc. Couldn't see any Rodinal though.

Hope this helps. Just need to get off my butt and smell the fixer...
self learning technique...

self learning technique...

I got a couple of book with some basic instructions.
Basically - high school chemistry and not rocket science. My main difficulty is loading film by touch onto the reel in the blackout bag - have to practice with a roll first in daylight...

After that, it's a case of put the loaded reel into the canister, twist it shut and add your premixed chemicals for the pre requisite amount of time / agitate accordingly and then empty it and fix the darn thing.... ok.... I'll let you know when I get that far... probably this weekend....
I bought a shed load from there recently.... film bag, patterson reels, measuring jugs, microphen developer - powder, fixer etc.
They have a small but reasonable range of stuff from Kodak and Ilford products including papers etc. Couldn't see any Rodinal though.

Hope this helps. Just need to get off my butt and smell the fixer...

I went to Photo Scientific today and bought some equipment to get myself started. Here are some prices I noted down:

35mm Film Stainless Steel Tank - 200 HKD
120 Film Stainless Steel Tank - 250 HKD
35mm Reel - 70 HKD
Small Film Changing Bag - 150 HKD
Medium Film Changing Bag - 200 HKD
300ml Graduated Cylinder - 60 HKD
600ml Graduated Cylinder - 90 HKD
Kodak HC-100 Developer Concentrate (Exp 2009/2) - 100 HKD
Ilford Rapid Fix - 110 HKD
Plastic Film Sleeve - 7 HKD
Thermometer - 180 HKD

Prices are generally much cheaper than Australia or Japan. As dryice66 mentioned, the store does not stock a large variety of developers, but the selection is more than adequate for a hobbyist's needs.

Film-wise, can't beat Wing Shing in MK: Fuji Neopan 400 or Acros 100 135-36 for 22 HKD per roll!
Can try Kowloon Lifestyle in Yaumatei. They may have few bits and pieces.

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電話:2384 9302 (tel)
I went to Photo Scientific today and bought some equipment to get myself started. Here are some prices I noted down:

35mm Film Stainless Steel Tank - 200 HKD
120 Film Stainless Steel Tank - 250 HKD
35mm Reel - 70 HKD
Small Film Changing Bag - 150 HKD
Medium Film Changing Bag - 200 HKD
300ml Graduated Cylinder - 60 HKD
600ml Graduated Cylinder - 90 HKD
Kodak HC-100 Developer Concentrate (Exp 2009/2) - 100 HKD
Ilford Rapid Fix - 110 HKD
Plastic Film Sleeve - 7 HKD
Thermometer - 180 HKD

Prices are generally much cheaper than Australia or Japan. As dryice66 mentioned, the store does not stock a large variety of developers, but the selection is more than adequate for a hobbyist's needs.

Film-wise, can't beat Wing Shing in MK: Fuji Neopan 400 or Acros 100 135-36 for 22 HKD per roll!

I just started development my film 3 weeks ago. I have watched a guy in some youtube and have the Saint's Negative book.

I started and used chemical mainly with Kowloon life. In fact, I went there for my film one day (which is cheaper e.g. Acros only cost $15!). I then saw they carried the Paterson daylight thing and just jumped into it. It is really easy to develop and scan your own film. (Doing dark room printing is a bit too difficult.)

Most of the prices it seemed they are cheaper in Kowloon Life. But they do not have iiford developer and also they do not have graduated cylinders.

I use extensively Tmax Developer for the 40 rolls so far.

I just imported last weekend ERA 100 directly get it from Shanton. I am not sure may be you have idea how to deal with the large volume of liquid from HC110/Tmax Developer RS/D-76. I got them to prepare for the ERA development. Well, very unusually I just do it using Tmax Developer! I like the result.

When I get my spreadsheet, I give you all an update of the price of the key items.

Hey dng88, I am VERY eager to try ERA. Except for being cheap, the result is not bad at all with proper developing technique. While you are not the first one to say developing film is easy, it seems to be some sort of rocket science to layman like me (idiot.) Very eager to see your work.

Dingo, I think it's really time to get together with all the RFF HK members again. For B/W. For ERA 100.
Hey dng88, I am VERY eager to try ERA. Except for being cheap, the result is not bad at all with proper developing technique. While you are not the first one to say developing film is easy, it seems to be some sort of rocket science to layman like me (idiot.) Very eager to see your work.

Dingo, I think it's really time to get together with all the RFF HK members again. For B/W. For ERA 100.

I still testing and in fact my rangefinder camera were bought less than 2 month ago and hence all this is new. As long as film to ruin, it is not difficult to try. I use my tiolet for the development and so far ok.

I review my receipt and the following is a summary of the items:

Minimum Kln Life $ Remark

Paterson Tank (can contain 2 reel) $250 Come with one reel
Paterson Tank (extra reel) $80 It can develop 2 film at a time
Changing Bag $130
Paterson Thermo. $180 Better with a top digital one
but this will do
Film Clip $35 need a few at least 2 better more
Kodak Tmax developer $62 1:4 normally
Kodafix $35 1:3 normally
Kodak Photoflo $80 1:200-400
Glove To protect your hand;
use Vileda from Park’N Shop
A lot of containers Try “Japan Home”
or local store
(need oz. mark & not just liter)
(at last 20 oz or 600 ml)
screw driver (flat top)
scissor at least a few

Optional but useful

Distilled water Less dirt;
unlike slide, Digital ICE cannot
clean it; more authentic
Film Picker $110 Not used any more
Big Paterson Tank $250 can contain 3 reel
No reel come with the bigger tank;
also big tank is a bit inconvenient
Film Wiper $100 Not yet tried
Kodak Tmax RS developer $72 Not yet tried
Kodak D76 developer power $30 Just prepared; to be tested tomorrow
Kodak Stop Bath $38 Used it now; 1:64
Kodak Hypo Cleaning power $38 Not yet tried
Kodak HC110 $70 Just prepared; to be tested tonight

For the other developer, I am interest as well. But I was told that Rodinal is a bit poisonous. Anyway, if there is a way to get this, I may as well try it to experiment a bit still. But perhaps after a few one, I would settle down. So far it seems to be Arcos/ERA plus Tmax Developer is quite ok, at least for the sunny day. For 400, XP2 is unbeatable (need C41). I would post a bit more my other film developed plus the beloved XP2 (C41) and very badly developed Kodak C41 BW400CN.

Well, as long as I have fun, I think even if the work is very far from HCB, it is ok I guess.

Is the meeting welcome new members, btw?

It seems you are the man here in HK to give us some lectures and demonstrations on film development ! Welcome to RFF !!!

Mr. Ho, one of our key members, is trying to pull us together for another gathering, and this time is model shooting.... check it out man.


It seems you are the man here in HK to give us some lectures and demonstrations on film development ! Welcome to RFF !!!

Mr. Ho, one of our key members, is trying to pull us together for another gathering, and this time is model shooting.... check it out man.


If my beginner's film development experience is any use, of course share! Wait for the details of the gathering then.
dng88, you are more than welcome to join us. I am sure everyone of us would like to see more new people to join our quasi-club and more exciting events. And, dng88, I am waiting to see more of your b/w work, particularly with ERA film. I have a feeling that it's gonna be my favorite b/w film.
dng88, you are more than welcome to join us. I am sure everyone of us would like to see more new people to join our quasi-club and more exciting events. And, dng88, I am waiting to see more of your b/w work, particularly with ERA film. I have a feeling that it's gonna be my favorite b/w film.

I just order via airmail some rodinal from Germany. I think that is the key developer and I am waiting for that. Still, try to get some ERA film develop tonight to see how it looks like. Still trying to decide HC110 or D76 first. Done Tmax Developer.

Hope not disappoint you. Really just starting development as well as rangefinder.

Hi Dennis, just wonder if there is any shots with ERA film available?


Many of my gallery photos are using ERA film. Got 100 rolls and have to do a quite bit to burn them; just done 14 so far. (BTW, I found out that Kowloon life must have made a mistake in the bill or something. The Acros 100 135-36 is $20 not $15. It is the 120. But in my bill it did mark 10 of the 135 and is at $15. It is a better film than ERA. You know ERA film does not even have the number and film mark on the side. Very very basic.)

But I still waiting for my Rodinal from Germany. I am looking for the effect in some of the Chinese web site. http://forum.xitek.com/showthread.php?threadid=145217 In fact, I have tried to ask some advice from one of the member here. He has a good photo with that effect: http://www.rangefinderforum.com/forums/showthread.php?t=61643 If I can do one of those, it would be very nice and worthy all the effort.

However, until that comes, so far I can only use Tmax Developer, D-76 and HB110. (Still having tried Tmax Developer RS.) But I am not following the rule I guess and hence do something not many people is doing I guess i.e. I just develop at whatever the temp. is in the Hong Kong water temp. and adjust the time. That means I develop in 27+ and some at 29. The water is very hot (up to 30!) during the few day when the cloud is dark over Kowloon/NT.

Not on the topic but I just got a Heliar 101 set camera with lens (no box etc.). It is a bit of surprise as it just happen it was there and I asked the price, thinking about it would be out of reach. It is only HK$2,980. With viewer, camera plus the 50/F3.5. Just paid. But later I found out that it is very difficult to photo with the 50/F3.5. It is collapsible and I always not sure I have extended it well. Some photos is very kind of strange. I am now concentrating of learning to use that len (but cheating by using R3A as it is just hard to use the T) and ERA, awaiting the Rodinal to come to develop it.


P.S. The dark room development now is a bit routine. However, the camera part (rangefinder) is a bit of "chicken hand and duck feet" type of feeling for the last 3 month of using this type of camera. Still quite enjoy it. I have a go on touching a M3. It is really a different feel compared the 3 V camera I have. But that has to wait. Spending too much already.
Gee! Your Heliar 101 is a steal! The camera body alone worth appreciation. I think Dingo know more about this camera. I like its rangefinder.

BTW, I have been using 50/3.5 Elmar for over 1 year before I get the 'lux. I find it very easy to use, as focusing is more forgiving at f3.5.

BTW, the developing stuff is still like rocket science to me.
Yes it is. I talked to "Ah Kung" of the David Chan a couple of day later. He has heard that my hand was shaking when hand in the money to the other shop when I got the lens (that is what I after). Not sure I have done shaking but no doubt I was surprise. I even told the seller that my last quote is 7,xxx dollars from the official dealer just a floor up for a new one. Any way, the sell seems travel a bit in that building of camera.

I redo a few shot, ensure that the len is in position. It is very sharp.

Good luck with your lens. Not sure will ever can afford a Leica, even though did spend quite a bit in the last 3 months.

For the development part, whilst just beginner myself and as said, I can do some "briefing" to you when we have a chance to meet. Not sure how ease a demo can be arranged. I know how I feel when you first started. But as long as you risk a few film, it is quite ease.