Back Streets and Alleyways


Local time
9:48 AM
May 14, 2006
It occurred to me that I have a few photos of backstreets and alleys and that it might make an interesting topic starter for other people's contributions. I did a search and could not find another thread on this topic so hopefully it is not wholly redundant. :)


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Great subject matter, Peter. I am drawn to alleyways as well, even when walking without a camera I'm always throwing a sideway glance if I pass by one.

I particularly like Work Break from what you posted above. Terrific in every way!
I am rather partial to this shot too. Though there is obvious movement blur, I somehow feel this adds to, rather than detracts from the shot, as it helps convey a sense of the alley's intimacy and warm cosiness.
Melbourne, Australia is famous for its plethora of alleys that have become venues for restaurants and cafes. This rather dark photo is one of them.

City Life, City Night, City Lane by Life in Shadows, on Flickr

A small alley opposite the location of my office in the CBD of Adelaide, Australia.
This alley connected two main streets in the city, passing through an undercroft passage in a high-rise office building. It was shot on what appears to be a fairly mild (but slightly wet) winter's day.

Sudden rain by Life in Shadows, on Flickr
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