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Come to the Faire
Local time
2:26 PM
Mar 18, 2010
Just saw a TV commercial about a new cell-phone that has a dedicated "Facebook share" button. Within seconds on taking a picture, the photo can be sent to Facebook. More noise, only faster.

Glad I've moved back to film.

Probably not going back to film, but I've been going through a large body of my work for a book I'm working on. I was surprised to discover that I have a higher percentage of keepers from the Pentax 6x7 than any other camera I have ever used. Wish I had never sold it.

If it were not for the fact that film and processing (120 Fujichrome) would cost $1.50 per shot, I might get another one.
Soon scanner manufacturers will be re-labelling the 'scan' button as a 'scan to Facebook' button. Film or not, there is no escape from Facebook.
Soon scanner manufacturers will be re-labelling the 'scan' button as a 'scan to Facebook' button. Film or not, there is no escape from Facebook.

There is, if one's head is stuck in the sand like mine, and I'm okay with that. :)
I have never EVER been to facebook... Is it that necessary? I'm not being sarcastic: I really think it's not an important/great thing... I know people show images digitally and send/receive messages digitally... What else? I enjoy those in the real world...


As critical as people may be of social networking, and I'm no fan, it has proven to be an important means of communication and source of information in areas where civil disasters have disabled many other infrastructures.
I think it's as useful as you can imagine it to be. I'm a dedicated film user (although I use digital for my work, gratefully so)...but I see a lot of practical use and potential for Facebook, Google+ and so on.

It's all just tools. We can choose different tools to do what we think is important. Simple as that.
I think Facebook has it's place, but 'necessary', no. It is as important as you want it to be in your life. I think the kind of photography with cellphones and facebook buttons etc., and the kind of photography that the OP is referring to with the image of those fine cameras both are valid, but they perform a different function.
All one has to do is NOT use it. That's all. It's the illusion that it is essential or necessary.

Just don't use it.

Film is real. Film is tangible. Even if your pictures SUCK (well..mine do..). They still exist. Nothing digital really exists.

Film. The original RAW.
Sure, social media have their uses. But 'impossible to escape'? Hardly. I mean, how is anyone going to force me to use them?


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It's funny to read people poopooing social media/facebook on an internet forum.

To the OP: Those are some fine looking cameras!
Probably not going back to film, but I've been going through a large body of my work for a book I'm working on. I was surprised to discover that I have a higher percentage of keepers from the Pentax 6x7 than any other camera I have ever used. Wish I had never sold it.

If it were not for the fact that film and processing (120 Fujichrome) would cost $1.50 per shot, I might get another one.

Maybe it's the $1.50 per shot cost that made you ignore the boring shots and only go for keepers?

With "free" digital shots you can experiment a lot without going broke but the flipside of that is the possibility a much worse signal:noise ratio.

You could try taking your digital camera out for a day with a tiny memory card that only holds 24 or 48 photos (and make a rule about not deleting any in the camera).
It's funny to read people poopooing social media/facebook on an internet forum.

To the OP: Those are some fine looking cameras!

:D Irony in the USA.. just love it.

photo sharing is the most minimal app to Facebook,
Egyptians found it far more effective than a division of marines invading their country;)
For some time I've been thinking of founding Arsebook, for those who think it's essential to photocopy their bums when they're drunk at the office party.


Go for it Roger! I am ready with my profile picture!


and it is shot on film (to stay OT)
Being on facebook is about as necessary as having a mobile phone. You don't have to have one but people get annoyed when you don't. It's the same thing with facebook. Often when I make an acquaintance I ask them ''are you on facebook?''. When they answer "no but here's my number" I often think to myself "nevermind". The thing is, I'm much more inclined to contact someone I met at a party on facebook than sending them a text or an e-mail.
My girlfriend often is annoyed with facebook as she gets about 10 spam friend requests from random people) a day but at the same time it has proven invaluable for her career as it has helped her consolidate many important acquaintances in her field.