Best non-Leica body for M Lenses


Local time
10:13 PM
Apr 3, 2011
I've recently been interested in the Sony Nex 5 as an economical alternative to the M9. There have been a couple threads on here that showed this could be done with very impressive results.

Has anyone else had or seen any other conversions like this? Specifically those that achieve the portability and form factor similar to the NEX.

I'm looking to add a digital counterpart to my M6 setup, and the NEX setup really impressed me.

Yeah I'm looking for a digital setup to last me until I can get an M9, or whatever iteration of the M series is out when I can afford such a thing. But I also want to keep my Leica glass in use as much as possible.

I love my M6, and film, but sometimes you just need digital.
I got an Olympus EP-2 with EV2, and I love using it with my vintage lenses.

How does the Olympus do with focusing and ISO performance? The large, flexible display of the NEX is tempting, and it seems to have decent results at high ISOs. However the form factor of the EP-2 looks much more to my liking.
I was thinking maybe an Epson but I guess they are getting a little long in the tooth now!

If you're going to have to deal with a crop factor anyway, I still see the RD as a viable choice though ... and it's a rangefinder!
The Sony has some digital only feature like HDR, panoramic shooting, and a really high MP count (14) that make it quite attractive. All while staying under $700. Maybe the rumored Nex 7 will be the icing on the cake.

Crop factor is a problem, especially because I don't plan on buying any lenses wider than 35mm.

The strangest thing might be not putting it up to your eye, as there is no rangefinder.
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I think any of the the m4/3 1.5 crop digital solutions would be fine...

m4/3 is 2.0x crop. The NEX cameras are 1.5x crop, which makes quite a difference, especially in the wide to normal range, and Panasonic's CMOS tech lags behind Sony in regards to DR and high ISO. I am currently using a C-Biogon 35/2.8 (my favorite,) Nokton 35 1.4, MS Optical 35/3.5, Contax G 35/2, Nokton 50/1.5, Skopar 50/2.5, Contax G 90 2.8 and the Sony 16mm (plus its very good tele converter,) and I'm blown away by the level of IQ available in such a small system. In fact, the NEX-5 is so good that I sold all of my fullframe DSLR equipment.

FWIW, I've come up with an EVF solution for NEX that works really well:
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Some of the Panasonic micro fourthirds have a very good electronic eye level viewfinder which allows precise focusing. This is a more 'M like' experience than using the rear LCD screen.

Also of course Ricoh have introduced their GXR M module which allows for various lens corrections. May be worth considering.