Best Wide angle for M9


Local time
2:08 AM
Apr 22, 2010
I am on the waiting list for a M9 and during this time I am considering what lenses might suit me best...

I am a "wide angle junkie" I loved the zeiss 21mm on my old Contax G2 and the 14-24 on my Nikon.... but what is the best option for the M9:confused:
Would like something between 18-21mm.

A zeiss would fit my budget best or if i could find a used Leica....

Any recommendations would be highly appreciated,
i have been using the 18mm super-elmar--and am impressed with it. sharp, well built, handles easily, etc. but i use it on an M8, which, of course, is not full frame. so your view would be even wider.
18mm super-elmar

18mm super-elmar

i have been using the -18mm super-elmar-and am impressed with it. sharp, well built, handles easily, etc. but i use it on an M8, which, of course, is not full frame. so your view would be even wider.

Thanks for your input,
Yes, I have heard some good things about that lens but mainly on the M8, I wonder how it will work on full frame....
I am on the waiting list for a M9 and during this time I am considering what lenses might suit me best... [...] Would like something between 18-21mm.

A zeiss would fit my budget best or if i could find a used Leica....

It's clear, you should get a Zeiss 18 or 21, depending on what focal length you like best. Maybe a used Leica if you can find one for cheap.
If you ask for the best, the best one is the one that fits your use...In general, if you are looking for the most versatile it would be the Summilux 24, as it is both an excellent WA and a lens that provides minimum DOF and thus maximum subject separation. It might blow the budget, though...
I have the Zeiss 4/18 Distagon and 2,8/25 Biogon ZMs and love them both. Very nice lenses, and reasonably priced. The 25 is probably one of my favorite lenses, ever. Certainly as far as RF lenses go.

The 2,8/21 Biogon ZM is also highly rated and people seem to love theirs. The only reason I didn't go with the 21 is because I don't care for external finders - and the 25 is about as wide as you can go without really needing one (assuming you don't wear glasses).

hmmm, yes that is a valid point, its a bit of a hazzle with these external finders... I wonder if 25mm is wide thats one more thing to consider....
If you ask for the best, the best one is the one that fits your use...In general, if you are looking for the most versatile it would be the Summilux 24, as it is both an excellent WA and a lens that provides minimum DOF and thus maximum subject separation. It might blow the budget, though...

Too expensive and probably to big also.....
Heliar 15mm... it is not rf coupled but set it at correct aperture and focus and it becomes a point and shoot.
I would probably not advice you to go as wide as Heliar 15 as it will probably cause a color casts in edges because if the angle under which the light hits the sensor. I do not have M9 so it is not a personal experience.