Body covers for Retina


Local time
11:23 PM
Jul 15, 2007
I am missing a piece of body covering (leatherette) for my Retina. It`s the small piece to the left of the lens (looking at the front)
Can someone point me in the right direction as to where I could find a replacement piece?
Thank you,
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There are a couple of vendors known for complete covering kits and full sheets too, but for a small piece, you might try as they offer a generic leatherette material that isn't die cut for the entire camera. You buy it in sheets. It isn't going to match perfectly.
spyder2000 said:
There are a couple of vendors known for complete covering kits and full sheets too, but for a small piece, you might try as they offer a generic leatherette material that isn't die cut for the entire camera. You buy it in sheets. It isn't going to match perfectly.

What model is it? I may have some piece laying around.
Not positive but on line reference pictures I`ve seen are near identical to the Type 010 , no rangefinder , scale focus,windmill shutter release, 1945-48
or maybe Retina I type 148 1939-41.
The piece has embossed lines 1/2" from outer edge matching other side and back.
OK, I found an identical one posted on ebay.
Sure wish him lots of luck getting his asking price.
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I did in fact see the camera leather site as mentioned above but opted to just buy another parts camera just for the leather.
I also bought a very nice Retina IIa and 2 parts cameras with it.
Not to mention a IIc , a 1b , a II, a 1a , two retinette 1B`s .
I been quite taken with Kodak Retinas and decided to start collecting them, working models that is.
My goal is to own 1 of each model made.
I also have 2 working Kodak 35 RF`s in original boxes , 2 "made in Germany" working Instamatics, and a Kodak automatic 35 with a synchro 80 shutter.
If anybody needs some, I still have a small stock of calf leather which is ideal for cutting camera skins together with some double sided adhesive which is near perfect for the job.

Leather for Retina's

Leather for Retina's

I see that they only support the Retina IIA camera, any other sites that support the Retina IIIc camera?
Seems the best option might be to buy a parts camera , peel the leather sections off carefully and reglue them on the good body where needed.
I never did get an answer from Letien`s offer to possibly supply me with my needed piece here or by email. He must have dissapeared or is on vacation.