Bon Annee

Nice shots! I was at a wild party - drunken buffoonery. Forgot my camera at the last minute tho. Bon annee.
aliceelizabeth, nice shots on your blog.

ours was quiet. went out for dinner at 10:30pm. Stepped out of the restaurant at the stroke of midnight to watch fireworks. then home.

I could only wish that my touristy snappies looked so good. But then, Paris makes such an excellent backdrop, don't you think?

Our celebration was gentle - me and another winemaker friend, our families, crab legs and baguette dipped in butter with lemon, several bottles with bubbles in them. Then at midnight the toasts and kisses to the sound of cheering, rockets and gunfire filling our little valley. Someone up in the hills above us has a veritable canon that he fires off once a year - at New Years. I have come to expect it but it scares the cats.

Happy New Year to all!