Bronica 645 RF


Local time
12:51 PM
Jun 9, 2004
I have recently bought a Bronica 645 RF outfit and have a question for anyone who has used this camera.

I can only get 15 frames to a roll of film although the camera is supposed to take 16. The 16th frame is only half on the film. If I close the camera back before the arrow on the film backing is lined up to try and get the extra frame then the film counter on the camera stops working.

I would please like to know any of your experiances and advice on this problem.


That sounds unusual... and I'd take the camera in for service. On warranty, hopefully, if you got it new from a dealer. Or you might consider returning the camera to the seller, if bought used privately. I have not heard of this problem with the RF645 before. Is the space between frames consistent at around .5cm?
There was just a post at last week about inconsistent image capabilities with a 645 rangefinder camera. I don't recall if it was the Bronica or one of the Fuji cameras. You may want to check out the Medium Format Forum there.