Bronica RF645 - One Dislike

Local time
6:34 AM
Oct 6, 2004
The only problem that I have with my RF645 is the 45mm external finder. It's pretty much unusable. The distortion is so great that I really have trouble composing. And getting a level horizon is close to impossible (at least for me).

Are there any other finders available in portrait orientaion? Or should I just stick to framing in the rangefinder window - a guess is better than the external finder. And any pointers on handholding ang getting a level horizon?
The view you see in the 45mm finder is distorted, true, but so are the framelines, in exactly the same way. The result is that whatever you see inside the framelines will -- more or less -- appear in your shot. (I say "more or less" because I still haven't figured out the coverage of either the accessory finder or the camera's viewfinder.) It's a little weird, admittedly, but once I got used to it I actually came to like the 45mm finder -- it's bright and clear, especially when you adjust the built-in diopter to your eyesight.
I've got a Bessa and 15mm lens/ finder. I have the same problem... Here's how I cope.
I place the horizon, or anything that's at eye level in the exact center of the field of view. Practice helps. Of course if you're going to use the built in viewfinder, the RF patch is accurately centered.
The finder makes me feel as if I had too many beers. I'll keep working with it. But Bronica could have doene better! Oh well, overall the camera is fantastic.
I believe voigtlander do a double hotshoe adapter. why not try a spirit level viewfinder combo. Alternatively would a 28mm voigtlander or zeiss viewfinder be better?
Voightlander have a really clever level to go with the double shoe...

Try Robert white or Cameraquest for sales blurb.
