Bronica RF645 viewfinder glass broken + internal lens scratch?


Local time
9:22 PM
May 26, 2007
Hi there - first post, and I wish it would be a better start;
I have a body with a 65mm lens, in a very good condition except the viewfinder glass is broken when I dropped it 1.2 meters on concrete... (I think it's the first time I have dropped a camera in my life - although that doesn't make it any better...). Obviously I'm a bit anxcious now. I don't even have the camera that long and I'm still so in love with this thing.

To show what I'm talking about I'll try to attach a pic.

As you can hopefully see the glass is broken and the front top panel surrounding the viewfinder is also cracked.
My questions:

-Is this something that is relatively easy to have replaced / fixed?
-Would Bronica/Tamron still have these body parts?
-Anybody with a similar experience with such a repair and could give me an indication of the costs that were involved?
-Any general checks/test you would advice when the RF645 takes a fall? Everything else seems fine from the outside, including the lens mount, but I would like to test everything now anyway...

I'm in Japan but would like to get some info from people on this forum if possible...

Another, more minor question while I'm at it;
When I put the camera on bulb and hold down the shutter, I see a tiny little spot inside the lens. Not on the front element, not on the back element, but inside. It doesn't look like a scratch, more like dust. Would this show on film? I haven't spotted it yet in a real life photo but have hardly put any film through it yet (I have a couple of deadlines breathing down my neck). Any thoughts on this?

Any info would be greatly appreciated.

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Bummer, tensai, but welcome to RFF!

Contact a Tamron repair facility in Japan. I hope there is one. The only one I know of is in NJ, USA, but that's only where I was looking. They should have parts, especially the viewfinder glass. Have the camera/lens CLAed while this is being repaired and any other problems will be discovered, but there may not be any.

Good luck!
Thank you Frank S. I found the address of the Tamron repair center, it's a whopping 22 minute train ride from my house. I just hope it's not gonna cost too much money, or time...

Would have loved some info about cost for comparison but not many people seem to shoot with this little gem, and have a problem with it (a good thing I guess).

I'll post an update for general interest/information when I end up there.
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The lens dust will not show on the image. It would be at or near the lens pupils which would prevent it being resolving at an image plane.
I reply back here just for general info for how this went, in case people are in a similar situation (let's hope not):

Tamron did a complete check and adjusted/fixed or replaced anything that was
Among other things - the upper body panel was replaced, glass replaced,
adjusted and checked and cleaned the lens. All that didn't come cheap, roughly
equivalent of 300 euros - and that was including a discount (20%). It's a lot of
money but at
least it's working perfectly now so I'll just focus on enjoying this baby.

Thanks for the info - happy shooting.