Budget rangefinder options

I recommend the Konica Auto S2. Has a meter, a stunningly sharp lens and can be found pretty readily.

If it hasn't been serviced, it will usually need the viewfinder cleaned (but oh! what a view when it's clear!)

Thanks for the reply, I will definitely keep an eye out for that one; there seems to be quite a few on ebay, just not sure on the condition of those on ebay.
Alternative that I haven't seen anyone recommend - the Yashica Electro is an excellent option. Aperture priority, 45mm 1.7 lens that is really very good, and a clear viewfinder with a great rangefinder patch. 0.7m close focus so you can get nice, frame-filling portraits. Downside is that it's *only* aperture priority, but that's not much of a downside. Runs on a single battery that's not too hard to find, and one will last you ages (I used mine for 18 months without ever changing the batter).

Can be had cheaply if you keep an eye out.

Thanks for the reply, I have seen some good thoughts on the electro line of cameras, I will have to keep an eye out because the price seems to have increased.
Look for a Canon QL17……this is a great camera. A sharp fast f1.7 40mm lens with a built in meter, a quick loading film feature and a very quite leaf shutter. I have used one for years without complaint.

The QL17 seems to have increased in price recently, I might consider the QL25 or 19. Thanks for the reply.
  • Minolta Hi-Matic (any that is properly working) I have a G2, which is a scale-focused one.
  • Olympus 35 RC might be available in your price range; I think I paid $125 for mine last year
  • Yashica Electro 35, as long as it has been recently serviced so it doesn't have the Pad of Death problem. (Google it) These are super easy to use and seem to be under-valued. The only problem is the sellers of 95% of them haven't film-tested them, so they don't know if they're working and light-tight.
  • Konica Auto S2