camera manuals

back alley

Local time
9:03 AM
Jul 30, 2003
is there a source of on-line manuals for russian cameras but in english?
i have found manuals but i believe that were in russian.
doesn't really help me much.

if not - is there anything i need to know about my fed 2 before i shoot with it?
it should be here any day!

I'm sure you've seen this site.

I have NO idea how different the Fed-2 is to the Fed-4... If they are similar then this and this seems like a very good instructions site.

You also have this one that seems to have a number of English Fed manual: Here

FINALLY you have this one that talks about the various versions of fed 2's.

Hmm..I don't think either of them have an explicit Fed-2 manual though - but maybe by combining the information in them... :)
hey richard,

except for one, i had those links. i planned on just using the info from them and my own basic knowledge of cameras to figure out how the fed 2 worked. however, i was kinda wishing for an actual manual, it's the anal retentive in me.
but thanks!

Hmmmm. Maybe an opportunity for someone here. Writing up new manuals for old equipment for which manuals are hard to find or non-existent. Could be laser printed or sold as PDF.

Who knows? Get enough people hooked on old RF's and there might be a small market for new manuals.

Joe, the only thing you need to remember is to ALWAYS wind the camera (advance the film) before setting the shutter speed. This is true for the original Leica I and II as well.
RML said:
... ALWAYS wind the camera (advance the film) before setting the shutter speed. This is true for the original Leica I and II as well.

Fascinating. Many years ago I had a late-model Leica I (1931) and I just don't remember this. Must have been that was just the way I worked naturally. Or maybe I've just forgotten. This camera had one of the first LTM lenses - an uncoated Elmar 50mm f/3.5.
There isn't a lot to operating a FED2, the main thing to remember to the wind on before changing speeds as others have mentioned. Next to the rewind knob (it lifts up for ease of use) is the diopter lever, around the shutter release is the rewind mechanism, push down and turn clockwise at the same time to release the mechanism allowing you to rewind your film. Shutter speeds are a lift and twist deal. You have two keys on the bottom plate to the back off and the take up spool is removable. The film counter reset is a finger nail job once you load your new roll. If you have a model with a timer, twist the lever anti-clockwise and trigger it with the little button above it .... Thats it.
Just curious Joe, did you receive your Fed 2 yet? I ask because I received my Fed 5 and Zenit B ordered from the same seller approx. the same day. I liked them so much I bought 2 Fed 2's from him and have received those also. Haven't run film thru them yet, but I've tried all speeds and f stops, looks like both Fed 2's are in great shape. Airshow in town this weekend so I'll be giving them a workout for sure. Next weekend the Zenit is going to the drag races along with the Fed 5. Should be sweet.
Doh, I see you already received your Fed 2. Hope you enjoy it as much as I do mine. I look forward to seeing some pics when you get the time.