Cameras similar to the Wirgin Edinex?


Local time
1:45 AM
Apr 22, 2021
I recently bought an Edinex on fleabay, and I really like this type of camera.
So I'm looking for other cameras of a similar type, with these characteristics:

o Uses standard 35mm film
o Small and compact, similar in size to the Edinex
o Scale focus with no rangefinder
o Uncoupled shutter
o Modular - uses (or can use) standard Compur or Prontor shutters

Any recommendations?

Have a look at these: King Regula I, Iloca I and Leidolf Leidox I. They are similar in construction, but it's hard to beat the size of the Edinex.

Adox Adrette and Adrette II are the Edinex marketed under the Adox name.
Kodak Retina I is similar, and coincidentally, uses the same lenses. All these are usually found with a Schneider Xenon or Xenar.

Phil Forrest
Adox Adrette and Adrette II are the Edinex marketed under the Adox name.
Kodak Retina I is similar, and coincidentally, uses the same lenses. All these are usually found with a Schneider Xenon or Xenar.

Phil Forrest

Yep, knew about the Adrettes.
Was looking for a non-folder.
The closest I've found so far is the Konica I and the Kodak 35.
Any others I should look at?
VEB Mimosa or Mimosa II (I really want one of these)
Olympus 35 IVa
Shinano Pigeon 35
Argus AF or A2F
There is a scale focus thread here on RFF too.

Phil Forrest
Braun made Paxettes with and without rangefinders. But the ones without RF tended to have the cheapo lenses.