CANCELLED B&W Nature Photography Workshop 2/10 CANCELLED


Thread Killer
Local time
12:52 PM
Aug 31, 2005
Today's program at Jamaica Bay has been cancelled due to illness.
Ms. Hughey has the flu. Will post details when rescheduled.

Chris, thanks for the note. I appreciated your posting about the workshop, though it didn't look like I could make it today in any case. I searched a little for her photography and I felt a kinship with her interest in exploring the details of what we see everyday.

Ms. Hughey, please get well soon!
Please let us know when this is rescheduled. I wanted to go today but couldn't make it, so I guess one person's misfortune is another's fortune. I hope she gets well soon. I was reading in the paper today that when this year's flu shot was formulated, they incorrectly guessed which types would be prevalent, I think the vaccine is polyvalent, so it ended up not being as effective this year as in yesrs past.

Glad there's some interest. I have deleted the original thread.
Will repost all information when program has been resheduled.
Anyone interested in receiving PM notification please PM me.

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I haven't been following RFF lately and missed this one. I've been shooting down in JBNWR many times (though not particularly with a RF camera, nor with B&W). There's always something interesting. Maybe I'll try to catch the rescheduled event.


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Famed bird photographer Arthur Morris continues to do much of his work at Jamaica Bay.
Before relocating to Florida he conducted workshops there.

Another terrific presenter at Jamaica Bay is graphic designer/photographer Johann Schumacher:

This short PBS (WNET) video begins with a segment on Jamaica Bay:
BTW district ranger Dave Taft is a great guy and strong supporter of photography programs at Gateway.

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