Candy Apple Red?

Very nice photographs as such :), but most of them seem to be slightly off in colour balance, some yellow some blue and a few red, if that is what you mean in your post. Is your monitor properly calibrated?
Excellent Images

Excellent Images

I think the colors are some of the best we've seen so far. Perhaps the white balance isn't perfect, but sometimes perfect white balance isn't what you want to take out that flatteness and add drama. ;)

Much better than the colors I typically get from my 1D MarkII. Are those post-processed to bring out the color or are those shots pretty much straight from the camera?
Thanks for the comments. Most of the color photos you see are not post-processed. The night shots were not. My original post, candy apple, referred to the "unnatural" reds I was seeing, particularly in the marshall arts shots. I have come to see, that if I go directly from DNG to Lightroom, that is what happends. If I convert using C-1 the reds are far more pleasing.
"This photo gallery requires the Macromedia Flash Player.Get the free Flash Player here".

I'm sitting in the library, using IE 6 with Flash Player 7 installed. Does the gallery require Flash 8, and if so, why? I guess good old HTML web sites do have the occasional advantage.
I created this web site in a hurry, just to get the images from my new M8 on-line. Interestly, is was created simply uploading from the WEB portion of Adobe Lightroom beta 4.1. Based upon that, I really do no know why it is demanding a particular version of Flash. I will try to convert to simple HTML, if that program give me the option.
Jay Koenigsberg said:
Thanks for the comments. Most of the color photos you see are not post-processed. The night shots were not. My original post, candy apple, referred to the "unnatural" reds I was seeing, particularly in the marshall arts shots. I have come to see, that if I go directly from DNG to Lightroom, that is what happends. If I convert using C-1 the reds are far more pleasing.

Yes- I found the same with Lightroom. It is not my favorite by any means anyhow. I am looking forward to seeing more M8 profiles for C1 appearing on the web.