Canon EOS 5D, Oly OM lens thread, anyone?


Local time
6:50 AM
Jul 26, 2007
So -- w. apologies to Roger, for that start -- many people rave (positively) about Oly OM glass on the EOS 5D.

Anybody care to post photos with that combination?
Think I posted this before... 24/2.8 Zuiko on 1Ds II (won't look much different from a 5D):



Zuiko 50/1.8 on 1Ds II:


Do the adapters give any kind of focus confirmation? I would assume that one must focus wide open and then manually stop down to the working aperture. Is that correct?
Do the adapters give any kind of focus confirmation? I would assume that one must focus wide open and then manually stop down to the working aperture. Is that correct?

You don't HAVE to focus wide open though obviously it helps. But if you stop the 50/1.4 down to 2.8 it's no different from focusing a 50/2.8 lens.... but yes, you need to be stopped down where you want when taking the shot.

The adapter I have is all manual, though I am pretty sure you can either get one with focus confirm or add the chip later. Honestly though, on a FF body focusing isn't that much of a challenge.
You don't HAVE to focus wide open though obviously it helps. But if you stop the 50/1.4 down to 2.8 it's no different from focusing a 50/2.8 lens.... but yes, you need to be stopped down where you want when taking the shot.

The adapter I have is all manual, though I am pretty sure you can either get one with focus confirm or add the chip later. Honestly though, on a FF body focusing isn't that much of a challenge.

The biggest advantage of the chipped adapters is the full use of metering modes. Focus confirm is handy but not required. I installed a Contax RTS focus screen in mine. Canon high contrast screens are great as well as cheap ($35).
Thanks for the mention guys!

Yes, I love using OM glass on my 5D. They adapt really easily and none of them cause any mirror interference.

I currently use the 24/2.8, 35/2.8, and 50/1.2 on my 5D. In the past, I have used the 28/3.5, 35/2, 50/1.4 and 50/1.8.

Here's some samples! Let's keep these coming :)









LOTS more at my flickr link :)
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Patrick, have you found the 35/2 to be as good as the rest? I have the 24/2.8, 28/2.8, 35/2 and 50/1.8 and I'd say that he 50 and 24 are real standouts, the 28 good but not exciting, and the 35/2 kind of boring. Not that it's soft or anything, it just seems to lack that certain quality...

I've taken quite a few shots with Zuiko lenses on both a Canon 5D and on a Canon 5D Mark II. This picture was taken with the 100mm F2.

I couldn't be happier with the results - it's a great combination.
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Patrick, have you found the 35/2 to be as good as the rest? I have the 24/2.8, 28/2.8, 35/2 and 50/1.8 and I'd say that he 50 and 24 are real standouts, the 28 good but not exciting, and the 35/2 kind of boring. Not that it's soft or anything, it just seems to lack that certain quality...

I wasn't a fan of the 35/2. If I'm using a fast lens, I tend to want to use it wide open. I found that the 35/2 gave poor results (lack of sharpness, coma, etc) at f/2 so I sold it. That and it wasn't nearly as small as it's counterparts.

Stopped down it was fine, but nothing special.

The 28/3.5 is a tiny sharp little devil. Very nice lens, but slow.

The 35/2.8 is not all that special either in my opinion, but it works.
The OM -> EOS adapter was actually my first introduction to Zuiko lenses; I bought a 135 2.8 for my 5D because I didn't want to spend hundreds for the Canon option. A few months later, I sold my 5D and all my digital gear and got an OM-2. Went back to film and I'm a lot happier now.

So to answer your question, yes, the OM lenses work great on a 5D :D
I've used two, still using one of them:

20mm f/2, which I handheld in front of my 5D for a while waiting on the pokey shipping from Hong Kong for the adapter. Since sold it, just a little too expensive for such a niche lens, and I didn't really need the speed. I've got a Sigma 12-24 that I use for really wide stuff now.

And the 55mm f/1.2, which is a great lens for low light.
I have the superb late model 2.8/24 and have just bought a 5d. Which EOS-OM adapter is recommended ? Thanks !
^ just order a cheap Chinese made adapter from eBay.. the stainless ones last longer than the aluminium ones.