can't keep up...

I can totally agree with you there.

Another small thing for me was the styling of the whole thing...

I would rather have a classic inspired exterior like the new Fuji's I admit.
XPro 2
12mm 2.8 Zeiss
16mm 1.4 Fuji
35mm 1.4 Fuji
56mm !.2 Fuji
18-55 Fuji

Joe, I have been winnowing down everything, including Fuji.
Love my X100s ... both the form and well, looks great. However, 35mm equivalent is my least favorite field of view.

I like my Pro2 except I never use the OVF, much preferring the EVF. Wasting that (paid for) capability.
Body strikes me as too large and heavy.
In terms of usability and ergonomics I prefer my XE2.

Looking forward to (I hope) test driving an as yet mythical XE3. If it works out as I hope, will trade in the Pro 2 and stick with two XE3's.
I very much like the simpler world of two identical bodies, one identical menu system.
i'm also hoping for an xe3...i like the xt20 as it has the bigger sensor, acros and it sure does fit the new smaller fuji lenses.
the grip for the xt20 just came in today and it makes a 100% difference (positive) in the feel of the body in my hand. i already can see myself wanting to use it more.

i also have changed my philosophy re. gear buying...i have been buying but not selling and so my gear list grows and does not remain stable/balanced...
23mm f1.4
18-55mm f2.8-4

Had previously:
56mm f1.2
35mm f1.4
35mm f2
27mm f2.8
18mm f2

Would not have sold any of them if I was not in need of money at the time - all are fantastic. I want to add the 14mm f2.8, the 35mm f1.4 and the 56mm f1.2 again.
Currently got
X100 Original
X70 plus 21mm adapter
XQ1, tiny and pocketable
12mm Samyang
35 f2
X-mount effects lens f8
Just got the 18-55 for my trip to Canada next month

Sold my Xpro 1 a few days ago and my XE1 about a month back

Just arrived in our shop this weekend are the 23/1.4 and 56mm. Had a few minutes play with them and don't feel the urge to buy.

Since postin the above, I've added the X100T and need to sell the original X100 I've had from new. Difficult to part with it tho.

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X-T1 + vertical battery grip,

10-24/4, 14/2.8, 18/2, 27/2.8, 35/2, 56/1.2

gear and needs are in equilibrium (wait... I should probably sell the 10-24/4 and pick up the 16 and 23 primes OR sell the 14/2.8)
been busy with other hobbies lately but still with Fuji and don't see myself going with something else.

X-T2 with Zeiss 12, XF 18mm, XM-FL 24mm, XF 50mm, XC 16-50mm
only thing most likely changing for me is selling the X-T2 and going with the X-E3
I've owned the first 3 of the x100 series
Love the camera, great results, everyone loves the SOOC black and white
Hesitating over the X100F, not sure I'd benefit from the improvements
and has jrocket really moved to another country and what gear did he take with him?

Si señor. I'm in Chile and I brought my X-Pro2, X-T2, and a X100F. I have a 35mm f/2, 50mm f/2, a 16-55mm f/2.8 zoom, and the 50-230mm zoom. I mostly use the X-Pro2 w/ 35mm f/2 on the streets and at times the X100F. I think these may be the best cameras I've ever owned. Also, the X100F is my walk around camera when I'm with my girlfriend. When I travel to anywhere other than cities, I take the X-T2 with the 16-55mm zoom. I don't think I'll be buying anything else for awhile unless I think I want a wider angle (not at this time) or the GFX and 63mm come down to about half of that combo's current price on the used market in a few years.
X100 - original, with dented hood
18-55 kit lens
27 f2.8 pancake
35 f1.4

I am eyeing the 23 f2 and the XPro2, but am having trouble justifying any more purchases since what I've got gives me 'good enough'. Yes, there's faster focusing, more megapixels, joystick, weather proofing, etc. but I'm not sure any of that's going to make too much of a difference for me, at least right now. Might feel different next month...