CaptureOne vs. PhotoShop


Local time
3:18 PM
Sep 22, 2006
Like most buyers of the M8 (I assume), I received a copy of PhaseOne's CaptureOne software. I SUSPECT for optimum quality, I should use this to import DNG files (I shoot in "DNG + JPEG fine" mode), do all my editing and such using CaptureOne, then save as JPEG or TIFF. Assuming storage costs are not an issue, what allows for maximum quality but also flexibility/longevity/archivability? Would CaptureOne be the better tool than PhotoShop (maybe the only tool for DNGs?), and why? Would PhotoShop be more feature-rich and therefore better to learn/use for the long-term? Finally, what could/would a maximum file size likely be for a rich image using the highest resolutions/settings allowed, out of curiosity? Thanks for any answers; I'm guessing other former film users are in the same boat with the M8 and its companion programs shipped standard. Maybe PhaseOne cut a deal with Leica to ship the software free and try to win users over from PhotoShop?

I am something of a digital novice in terms of workflow, having only scanned high-end Fuji film from my M7 for years and outsourced some light PhotoShop cleanup work to my brother, whom I view as an expert and early PhotoShop pioneer. Now he's refusing to work for what I can offer ...!

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I too haven't bothered with Phaseone. I'm happy with Photoshop and that is how it will remain. I just prefer the Adobe integration with bridge.

As far as quality is concerned I can't comment, other than to say that there are so many variables that might affect quality that it is not worth getting stressed about.

I suspect though that like most things many individuals will be far more technically proficient than I and will be able to justify their choices of software and hardware usage.
I tried Phase One after receiving my M8 like you. However I eventually migrated to Photoshop with it's tight integration of Adobe Camera Raw for capture and Bridge.
i'm not a professional photographer, just a pure crazy phot geek. i'm not technical enough to say which program is better and to tell you the truth, i tried processing the same picture in "default" settings on both programs and the pictures came out identical to my eyes, minus alittle shift in black/highlights due to the differences in each of the programs "default" settings. quality wise, it was the same.

i use photoshop CS2 because i'm more accustomed to it and it suits my digital darkroom needs perfectly. I think its really down to user preference, except for the few pros here that really know their ins and outs of digital processing.

so use whatever is more user friendly would be my advice.

and also, i've noticed that unlike my 5D, I just use the Jpeg files instead of processing the raw files. i notice most of my pictures rarely need much post processing. the M8 jpeg is very good at rendering shades and highlights to what it was really like when i shot the picture. I usually only go into Raw files these days when the whitebalance is off.

my two cents :)
I have looked at both. Capture One is far superior to Photoshop IMHO for RAW files. More tools by far. If you really want to stick with the Adobe interface then Lightroom is the way to go to post process RAW/DNG files.
kshapero said:
I have looked at both. Capture One is far superior to Photoshop IMHO for RAW files. More tools by far. If you really want to stick with the Adobe interface then Lightroom is the way to go to post process RAW/DNG files.

Photoshop CS3 beta has the same controls for raw conversion as Lightroom (but in a slightly different interface).
I started by overlooking C1 and using Lightroom/photoshop (if necessary) as always for my regular workflow. I went back to C1 and spent a bit of time on it; it is really a great and fast RAW processing tool and it works very well with the M8 raw files, which need very little manipulation (vs the 5D images which need more post-processing). I now use C1 for Raw processing and export in TIFF, and then import in Lightroom where I manage my images, do further editing, printing, etc... When it comes to printing, I am more confortable with either Lightroom or Photoshop.

Bottom line, C1 works really well with raw file from the M8. If you check on the Leica forum, there is a user who developed some profiles for the M8 and they are quite good.
Both C1 and Lightroom are terrific. In some ways they have completely replaced Photoshop for me. In fact, Lightroom almost does it all. I am still wavering between using Lightroom for import of DNG and processing versus C1 import and export to Lightroom. Last night I managed about 150 photos from the M8 using Lightroom exclusively. I need to review a parallel C1/Lightroom workflow to see if it really makes a difference.