CEO Oliver Kalter will leave Leica...

Robert in my opinion for Leica to remain relevant they need to keep M as a true alternative to what is out there. I think creating products like the M-D and the MM are two fine examples of creating true alternative choices. The new M10 seems to stay in that tradition.

i agree, Leica is the M, only doubt I have if sales of the M models alone could be enough to pay the company costs...therefore the need to have something else on the side but this also must offer something that the other japanese brands cannot offer. Something different and good. I think the S, SL and T are going in that direction...
But Leica without the M would be not Leica !

Kaltner got Leica the deal with Huawei to create a smart phone with a great Leica camera built-in. Was it such a deal that was "too big"? I recall how I felt the first time I learned about such a joint venture. I did not like it. However, this may be what Leica needs in cash flow to Leica so that the M line can continue?
Kaltner got Leica the deal with Huawei to create a smart phone with a great Leica camera built-in. Was it such a deal that was "too big"? I recall how I felt the first time I learned about such a joint venture. I did not like it. However, this may be what Leica needs in cash flow to Leica so that the M line can continue?

Raid, your view is exactly what I think!
Leica is M in the various alternative, film or digital, color or mono, ..., but to keep the company running, paying the R&D costs, overheads, etc. etc it is necessary a wider offer, probably more innovative.
Of course these are only free wheel thinking, we do not know exactly figures and other important things inside the company.
i agree, Leica is the M, only doubt I have if sales of the M models alone could be enough to pay the company costs...therefore the need to have something else on the side but this also must offer something that the other japanese brands cannot offer. Something different and good. I think the S, SL and T are going in that direction...
But Leica without the M would be not Leica !


I doubt they could survive on just the M. For those set on Leica that want something else then they do have those also.
Kaltner got Leica the deal with Huawei to create a smart phone with a great Leica camera built-in. Was it such a deal that was "too big"? I recall how I felt the first time I learned about such a joint venture. I did not like it. However, this may be what Leica needs in cash flow to Leica so that the M line can continue?

Kaltner was getting Leica into a strong financial position.
Leica have to decide if a "niche" market is what they want, and keep their business model accordingly.
Several posts removed as off-topic. Let's not have yet another Leica pricing thread here.
Dr. Kaufmann has proven himself to be able to steer Leica. The downside is that CEOs tend not to last too long. At least it is better than a presidental rampage.
Leica board did not like his management style

Leica board did not like his management style

The respected German economic newspaper Handelsblatt says:
"From inside the enterprise one heard on Tuesday that the board was not happy with Kaltner's management style. He managed the small camera company like a large enterprise. He did not succeed in 'taking his employees with him.'"

Link to the story which is in German: