Chance to buy M4-P,request advice

I went to see the M4 ,decided that I did not want to deal with a separate meter and asked if they had any M6's. Bought a black one with a 50 cron. I found the cameraquest checklist for buyers of used Leica's to be very helpful.
Thanks again for all your replies.
The M4-P is a great camera but sometimes I wish it was an M6 since the meter would be nice, but I really cant speak ill of my M4-P.
Good for you Adam! I also started off with a Bessa R3A ... then "upgraded" to an M6.

I like both cameras, actually, and intend on keeping them. Each has a distinct personality and functionality, and I like that.

The M6 is a beautiful camera, I'm sure you will enjoy it. Congrats! :)
The 40mm will bring up 50mm frame lines, the M4-P has larger 35mm and 50mm frame lines than an M6. so you'll get more than what the 50mm shows, but less than the 35mm shows.

Personally, I'd probably use the 50mm frame lines and crop tight. a little too tight, and know you'll get more on your negative.

Yes, the M4P does have the larger framelines like the M2 and M4; But only the earlier ones. Later M4P has the reduced framelines of the M6 and MP. So if this is important, check by looking through the finder. The difference is not subtle. I was out shooting with my M2 and a 35mm lens this evening. I was surprised: I had gotten used to the 35mm framelines in my M6 and MP, and had forgotten just how much more spacious they are in the earlier Leicas. My walk tonight was a good refresher course.