cheapest m-mount RF???

While the T is a good camera (I had one), using an external viewfinder is a pain for some of us; and you have to buy it, and swap it when changing lenses (unless you use zoom or Russian finder, which have their own weaknesses). And, while the CLE sometimes can not be fixed anymore, Sherry and Ken Ruth still do a great job on overhauling the CL.

I for one find it impossible to do a close up portrait of a living, moving person with a fast normal and external viewfinder. Long EBL or not. However you can very well do that with a CL. Therefore, for 50 or 40mm, I would pick the CL over the T anytime. And the T is significantly louder. I would also pick a good Barnack over the T.

Then again, a user M2 runs around 400-500 US. In terms of bang for the buck, for me that's the one.

And if you are willing to live with LTM, the one camera that cann't be beat is the Canon P. Costs around US 200 and runs circles around the Bessa T :)


Hi Roland,

In some cases, like mine, a T can be a better option than a CL... I bought my two T's for portraiture with B&W and color at the same time with a 90mm at f/2, and even if I almost never use it, I preferred a meter in camera, though I know an M2 or M3 are nice for a 90... T's very long EBL has been a pleasure to me...


For comparison, the recent prices for Leica CL bodies on ebay: $400 near mint with ERC (item no. 370374078108, located in Spain, Juan!), $280 for a user condition copy with working meter (110524934531).

Yes, the meter is the CL's weak point. Even if it works, it's only a CdS cell and needs either a mercury battery or a conversion. If it doesn't work, that's that. And it interferes with a few lenses. But the CL's mechanics can be fixed.

I wonder what you do when a Bessa wears out? Not a rhetorical question -- who does fix CV products reasonably and affordably?
....They've been hawking it under just about any big name you can think of, including Nikon, Canon and Olympus.

Actually it's was Nikon, Olympus and others who have been selling these cameras under their name not Cosina. Pres K was a smart enough businessman to leverage existing assets and identify an opportunity. He kept his camera makers busy with product that sold and built (IMHO not rebuilt) a market.

... but don't forget the cost and hassle of the accessory finders....

It depends upon how many lenses you carry and how often you switch. More of a hassle than a M2, yup. But for some so is metering by hand. So trading one hassle you do some times for another hassle you might do every shot may be worth it.

...I'll gladly trade RF baselength for the CL's compact size. For long and/or fast lenses, I have a Contax and several SLRs.

That's where I got to also but when you only want to carry one body and two lenses RFs fit 98% of what I want to shoot and is smaller than my current choice in SLRs systems.

B2 (;->
Another great use of my Bessas T, is shooting with my 15 Heliar without external finder... When straight verticals are needed for architecture I use my large format, or my Hasselblad, or my R4M... The 15 is a funny lens and my T makes it even funnier because I can skip my handheld Sekonic and read my T's metering using the camera far from eye level.

