Choosing Nikkor HC 5cm f2 or Canon 5cm 1.4


Local time
7:28 AM
Oct 16, 2017
Hello community
I am looking to buy a 50mm for my M3 for everyday use. Here in Saigon (Ho Chị Minh City, Vietnam)
I can buy some lenses in LTM mount in good optical condition, either a Nikkor HC 5cm f2 or a Canon 5cm f1.4 serie I
The Nikkor is $152.00
The Canon is $240.00 including a Voigtlander LTM to M mount adapter
I must add that I already have a Voigtlander 50mm f1.1 M mount for low light, but big and heavy and a Nikkor 5cm SC f 1.4 on my Nikon S2.
I mostly shoot and process B&W, street and people with some indoor shots
Any help making a decision will be great
Thank you in anticipation
I haven't used the lenses you're talking about except for the nikkor 5cm 1.4, which I also use on an S2, so take my advice with a grain of salt!

That said, I've been very impressed by the rendering of the nikkor 5cm f2 in others photos - I would say it's a better lens from f2.5 than the canon, and you can get it for $100 less. If you'd like a softer 50 you can always shoot your nikon, and if you'd like a faster 50 you can always use the voigtlander.
The Nikkor 50/2 is a very nice lens and would be my preference if everything else being equal, but for lenses this old, conditions is really more important and a great Canon would be better than a ratty Nikkor.
You cannot go wrong with either lens...both are great and both work well with the M3.

If you had a Barnack Leica the f2 Nikkor would fit better and not get in the way of the VF.
The Canon 1.4 is a decade newer design than the Nikkor. It does not have significant shift and is useable throughout its range with no problem. For an "everyday" lens, it is better than the Nikkor, which excels at closer distances and wider apertures. But, what I would suggest is two things if you own an M3. Get it adjusted to focus down to 0.7m by a really good tech. Then consider getting a newer VC or Zeiss 50 if price is a consideration. The coatings on modern lenses make all the difference if you shoot color. For b&w, it's less of a concern to use older lenses. The Canon only focuses to 1.00m, which is limiting.
The only "bad" thing I could layabout the Canon 50/1.4 is that the focus throw is r e a l l y long.
Great lens, otherwise.
Don't overlook the Jupiter-8 in LTM mount, the later black paint type from the end of the 80s (? I need to check the serial number of mine). Very good Sonnar-type lens and usually cheaper than either of the other two lenses that you mentioned. I have the H-Nikkor-C 5cm f/2.0 in S-mount, a quite heavy lens given its size, possibly made from brass.
You already have the Nikkor 50/1.4, as do I. I also have the Nikkor 50/2 and I don't see any real differences in the two lenses' performance. The 50/2 is a bit easier to shoot -- the focus throw is shorter because (unlike the 50/1.4) it does not focus below 1m. And the 50/2 is more compact, of course. If you like the images you make with the 50/1.4, you'll be happy with what you make with the 50/2. Here's an example of a portrait I recently made with the 50/2, shot at f/2.8:

You already have the Nikkor 50/1.4, as do I. I also have the Nikkor 50/2 and I don't see any real differences in the two lenses' performance. The 50/2 is an easier lens to shoot -- the focus throw is shorter because (unlike the 50/1.4) it does not focus below 1m. And the 50/2 is more compact, of course. If you like the images you make with the 50/1/4, you'll be happy with what you make with the 50/2. Here's an example of a portrait I recently made with the 50/2, shot at f/2.8:

Very nice portrait and great seeing you back posting here.
I have both lenses and like others have said, you can't go wrong with either. What you choose will depend on your personal preferences and needs. In terms of image character, the Nikkor-5cm f/2 will probably be more similar to your Nikkor 5cm f/1.4 since they are both Sonnar designs, while the Canon will probably be more similar to your Voigtlander 50mm f/1.1. There are some nice image threads here on RFF for both the Nikkor-H.C 5cm f/2 LTM and the Canon 50mm f/1.4 LTM.

If form factor is a consideration for everyday use, the Nikkor is more compact. Both weigh about the same (217g for the Nikkor vs. 241g for the Canon on my scale). For filter sizes, the Nikkor takes a more common 40.5mm filter size, compared to the oddball 48mm for the Canon. For a visual size comparison, here are the two lenses mounted on a Leica IIIf:

p.s. The Nikkor does focus down to 0.45m, but it is not rangefinder coupled closer than 1m.
The Canon often suffers from etching of the surface just behind the aperture blades. Be sure to check for this. The included Voigtlander adapter is worth most of the difference in the price.

The Nikkor 5cm F2- not much focus shift compared with the F1.4 version.

I have both. The prices you posted are very good. Depending on condition of the glass- you cannot go wrong. If both have very clean glass, you could buy both, test them, sell the one you decide against.
I have both lenses, and it has been stated above several times, both lenses are excellent overall. Go by lens condition. The prices are low. If you want only one lens, I would go with the 50/1.4 to get the extra speed.
Laurenza, given that you've got a 1.1, condition being equal, i'd go for the f2...but i've always had a bias towards the weight and balance of the M cameras with the smaller Summicrons. But I do also have the Canon 1.4 and it's a fine lens. Honestly you can't go wrong either way.
I’ve got the Nikkor-HC 50/2.0 in LTM mount, and have used the Canon 50/1.4 in the past. Apart from Raid’s advice to select based on lens condition, I’d recommend the Nikkor as an everyday carry for your M3. It’s noticeably more compact than the Canon 50/1.4, and is a seriously good optic. And the close focusing ability is a real plus as well. Since you already have a fast 50 for your M3, you won’t be missing out by going with the f2.0 Nikkor.