Close photography (part 2)


Local time
4:36 PM
Jan 1, 2007
Still smarting from the criticism from the other thread, the intrepid close up candid street photographer loads his M7 with HP5+

Determined that nothing will stand in the way of a technically good photo, he removes the UV filter. :eek:

So there I was, taking some pictures in this church and just as I trip the shutter this girl, oblivious to the world, walks by and
ruins my shot. :bang:


M7, ZM 35/2 at f/2, HP5+ in Rodinal 1+25

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duh!! How thoughtless of her! Does she not know why people come to church? Some people are so insensitive... well, you can always crop her out of it. Oh, I suppose some will still like it.

edit: Please tell me she's not playing with a cell phone. :cool:
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sepiareverb said:
Did you help her figure out that cell phone Colin?

You know I like to interact with my subjects. :rolleyes: The conversation went like this:

"Did you just take a picture of me?"

"Who, me?"

"Yes, you."

"Ummm, no."

"I heard a click."

"Hey! This is an M7! You can't have heard a click. Anyway, I was, ummm, taking a picture of that statue over there."

"So why are you standing over there then? Do you think I'm stupid?"

"Ummm, no. Can I help with your cell phone?"

"You just wanted a picture of my ... didn't you?"

"No! Actually I'm a hobby gold smith. I liked your pendant."

"No! Really?"

"Yeah. Mostly I use 900 gold. It's got a much more intense colour."

"What's 900 gold"

"90%. 18 Carat is only 75%. Say, would you like a coffee?"

Nicely put together too (the picture I mean:rolleyes: )

Ah. Now that's called composition, you see.

Good catch

Good catch

They didn't dress like that when I went to church, maybe I should go back. Naw, the streets are much better. There is a local church here that has cell block, no calls in or out, and no internet, but you can still use the PDA, games on the phone.

All jokes aside, I do like the shot.
Love the shot. How did you get such fantastic grain? Is it just the developer, or did you expose at some different ISO? Been almost ten years since I did B&W developing so I've forgotten all the tricks :-(

Though if memory serves, I did shoot TriX at 3200 and developed in Dektol (yes, Dektol) 1:1 for like 5 mins and got some insane contrast and grain.
Big grain, probably an extreme crop of a far away shot and Colin is just calling this close up photography. :)
FrankS said:
Big grain, probably an extreme crop of a far away shot and Colin is just calling this close up photography. :)
Well that's just cheating! :)

I found one of my Dektol developed TriX things... no cropping here!

FrankS said:
Big grain, probably an extreme crop of a far away shot and Colin is just calling this close up photography. :)

Ooooh. That hurts.

As it happens, while I do admit to cropping occasionally, the height of this shot is about 7/8 of the short side of the negative.

It's HP5+ (exposed at 400) developed in Rodinal 1+25. The M7 was on auto with -2/3 exposure correction. The development temperature was 22 - 23 ?C.


PS. I heard there's some software from Kodak that will add grain and scratches to your jpegs, loose them, stick two together and misfile them.
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Around a couple of corners from the church is a square (well more a triangle really) with an espresso bar at the apex, and the opposite side taken up by an extended fountain, where the literate hang out...

yes, this one is cropped. I had to get rid of the long, distracting, legs.

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memphis said:
btw, they cropped in life magazine and national geographic -- they used rangefinders -- I'm an occaisional cropper and see nothing wrong with it.l..

why does everybody feel cropping is bad?

I guess it shows that you can't get into position so as to arrange all elements in the photo in an acceptably artistic way within 500 milliseconds. Some people are reputed to have been able to do this (HCB) - but not me.

I'm still a wannabe in the making - I'm happy if there's anything on the negative at all and ecstatic if it's focussed and the exposure is more or less there.

There's a comment about cropping been added in the gallery, to which I responded by saying, in summary, it was either cropping, or miss the shot.

BTW There are new pictures in the Close Up Candid Street Photography gallery :)

(hint, hint)

This new style (for me) of shooting seems to work. That's 14 gallery shots out of about 100 exposures. I've got another 10 exposures on an unfinished roll - and then I started getting bored with the concept.

I may start talking (shudder) to the people first. What can they do? (apart from knife you and smash your camera)

Oh boy. You don't want to know how much this one is cropped :) Well, maybe you do, but I'm not telling and you can't see the full frame because any credibility I have would vanish. You'll have to do the grain analysis yourself...


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I don't know how to put your theme in delicate terms, but then that third one has blown my theory anyhow so I'm off the hook.

I'd suggest you throw a wider lens yet on there for a half a roll and see what happens- I often find a lot going on that I don't necessarily conciously see when exposing when I play with a wide lens and shoot fast. The jumble can be great.