Difficulty focusing with weaker eyes

I have experienced this problem. In my case the problem is tripled - I not only like using a rangefinder, I like using it with longer lenses (85mm/90mm) and I like shooting wide open. My first effort to overcome the problem involved using an eyepiece magnifier bought from eBay which helped but was not a full solution. Then I bought an eyepiece "magnifier" from Japan Exposures. My main reason for buying this is that it also has an infinitely variable diopter adjustment within its range (notwithstanding it being billed as an eyepiece magnifier rather than a diopter device). This means that unlike using a Leica diopter I did not have to know the exact adjustment I need (and then potentially have to change the diopter lens should my eyes eventually deteriorate further - which is almost inevitable.). Moreover the fixed diopter adjustment lenses one buys from Leica are not available in a sufficient range of partial diopters - meaning for practical purposes it is almost impossible to get precisely the right adjustment lens anyway. Having "infinitely" adjustable diopters available at your finger tips by turning a ring meant that the Japan Exposures device overcomes both of these issues. Eventually I realized that I could stack the eyepiece magnifier I bought off eBay and the adjustable one I bought from Japan Exposures to give an even more enlarged image complete with diopter adjustment. This works tolerably well up to a point but I have to be honest and say that at this time I have just about given up using my rangefinder camera in the manner I originally did and now limit it to wider lenses, stopped down somewhat. For most practical shooting purposes now I use a modern mirrorless camera with focus peaking and shoot my RF lenses on this.
I'm one of those who has been lucky, as in although I'm approaching retirement age, I have never developed presbyopia. I've been nearsighted since my teens.

I often times go without glasses when out shooting, and a while back I made a couple of makeshift eyecups with corrective lenses.

I got a few cheap plastic lenses of approximately the cylindrical power of my current prescription, shaped them gently with a Dremel tool, and installed them in a couple of generic el-cheapo eyecups. If I'm not wearing glasses, they work fine, if I am wearing glasses at the time, I just unclip them as I've never had issues composing or focusing with glasses.

