Digital Black and White.


Maro coaster at Jaizkibel [2008] - Olympus E-3 + Zuiko 35-100mm
Nativity Now

Arcadia, Los Angeles County

Img by Taipei-metro

Canon EOS T4i, Canon Lens 18-55,
picture Style Canon Standard, file Reduced fitting-
r F f
Last edited:
Koi Lake,

Hualien County, southern Taiwan

(it's a weekday, about noon time, i arrived with Hualien City bus, not many people around...)

Img by Taipei-metro

Canon EOS T4i, Canon 18-55 Lens made in Japan
Canon Standard pic Sty, File reduction fitting-
r F f
A little underexposed due to the sky fooling the meter but I liked how it has an old-fashioned look because of that. Off in the distance, the twin spires are from a turn of the 20th century Roman Catholic church that popular with the immigrant community here.
