Does this study apply to expensive lenses? Are you all suckers?

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For myself I only know this>>>>

For myself I only know this>>>>

After about six glasses of the cheap wine, I can't tell the difference, and I sure can't tell which lens I put on my camera. The only thing I want to know is if tax dollars funded the study. I'm tired of paying people to skew studies to get the answers they want on my dime.
Vlad, first you are making a comparison that is not relevant to the wine story to which you refer. In that test they used the same wine with a different price on each bottle. In your analogy you are not comparing the same product with a different price tag, but two entirely different products. As for the vitriol and calling Leica lens users chumps is both wrong and inappropriate. Your argument is exactly like the selling line of a local used car dealer. The used car salesman claims that their nicely detailed cars are every bit as good as a new car (regardless of the age) because : "If you can't see the difference, why pay the difference." I think all of us would agree that determining the value of anything goes far beyond external appearance.

IMO this study applies to Leica lenses very well - the price of the lenses makes their owners think they are far above the rest...
I don't know about this. I'm a Charles Shaw (2 buck Chuck) drinker and think that some of his wine is pretty darn good. I would have to be really impressed with a wine to think it was worth $90.

But then I'm cheap and would rather pay for a Toyota than a similar Lexus.

That's the most offensive thing I've seen posted here. You have to be pretty low in the food chain to resort to that kind of humour.
after 6 glasses of wine, I'd be lucky if I could get the lens on my camera, never mind taking pictures with it.

kuzano said:
After about six glasses of the cheap wine, I can't tell the difference, and I sure can't tell which lens I put on my camera. The only thing I want to know is if tax dollars funded the study. I'm tired of paying people to skew studies to get the answers they want on my dime.
Anybody remember photographs know the things you get after using your box of tricks. We had one of the great picture mags here in the 30s-50s. 'Picture Post'. Their chief photographer went out with a box brownie and produced one of the greatest pics ever. Forget the glass....concentrate on whats in front of it. BTW anybody remember 'differential focus' ie in the posted pic of the 3 guys there's trees growing out of the back of all their heads. Come on guys!!!!!!!!!
That's the most offensive thing I've seen posted here. You have to be pretty low in the food chain to resort to that kind of humour.

It's a joke, lighten up. ;)

It's not nearly as "offensive" as current Leica prices, anyway. :D
Well now, as is often the case, the fuss about the joke has become a bigger problem than was the joke itself. :bang:

No need to mount any moral hobby horses or put on your homemade hall-monitor hats, gents. :(
I personally found it extremely offensive but if Chambrenoire chose to remove the post I would bear him no resentment and would consider it a rather naive error of judgement!
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