edmonton gets 'occupied'

Joe, try to put your subjects off-center more.
The little girl drawing on the cardboard is my favorite from this set.
Great stuff, Joe!!! Vundah bah! I missed what camera these were shot with. The X100 or the RD1? Nice either way, regardless. Wow - they're kvetching about the financial services industry up in Canada? I know it's going global but didn't think Canada had too much to complain about. Their banks weren't as immersed in the recent shenanigans as I recall. Great stuff though.
Finally!!!! a series of "occupy" images that aren't exclusively made of people holding signs. Seriously, photographs of writing mean very little to me and if I didn't speak english, they'd mean even less...but it's all I ever see whenever someone photographs an occupy event...if I wanted to read something, i'd go into an occupy [insert city name here] IRC channel.
so...summary of rant...kudos on images not relying on the gimmick of words.
and so it isn't misinterpreted somehow...i genuinely appreciate these images.
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this centre thing is interesting...between the way i shoot and then crop the edges, it seems like i do have many centered subjects...it might not be arty but the eye goes to the subject easily.