Elmarit 28/2.8 - Versions, prices and performance


Local time
6:08 AM
Oct 13, 2009
I've recently sold my CV 28/2 Ultron, and I want a good 28 mm lens for my M8. So, the Elmarit 28 is an option. But there's different versions, with different performance and different prices.

What should I look for, and how much to pay? A new ASPH would be nice, but it's quite expensive. How about the pre-aspherical ones? Are there different optical formulas, and if that; which to look for?

Edit: If I've got a serial number, how do I find out which version it is?
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It boils down to version 4 or the asph. Actually, if you like lower contrast lenses you should try Ultron 28/1.9, it does not have the focus shift of the 28/2 and it is great for B&W. Else than that, the Biogon and the Summicron are obvious options too.
It boils down to version 4 or the asph. Actually, if you like lower contrast lenses you should try Ultron 28/1.9, it does not have the focus shift of the 28/2 and it is great for B&W. Else than that, the Biogon and the Summicron are obvious options too.
I like both low and high contrast lenses! :cool::D My problem with the 28/2 Ultron was focus shift. It's a really, really good lens except for that.

The Biogon is on the list. I've tried to buy one new, but it seems impossible here in Sweden. So, I thought I'd check out the Elmarits before ordering a new Biogon from elsewhere. :)

e46 is v.4, e49 is v.3.
Sorry, but that really didn't make me any wiser. :D What is "e46" and "e49"?
OK, so the one I was about to bid on was a version 3. I think I'll skip it unless I get a very good price. Wonder what that would be. :p
absolutely as new 28mm /2.8 ASPH can be had for about 1050=1100 Euro's.
I know because I am in the process of selling mine (because I went back to my 28mm summicron for the extra stop I need in low light).

I have compared these two at f2.8 on the M8 and the differences are very small. Surprisingly, when I looked at scanned files from my older version 28mm (scanned with Nikon 8000 at 4000 dpi - 64mb showing the grain) the differences are also unimportant and prints I enlarged to 50x60 cm with the older lenses looked excellent.
Success in finding a good one and regards
Alright, it seems that the version 3 is quite good, but a tad too large and heavy. I think I'm gonna go for an ASPH, or perhaps the Biogon.
If the version 3 is large then you might also find the version 4 or the cron large as well. So if you want the size, yes, the asph Elmarit might be the one.
What I've heard is that it is very sharp. So it wouldn't match the fingerprint of my others lenses for me.
So to some extent the answer depends on which lenses you already own.

For me I would only buy the Leica lenses. Why? Since you if make the wrong choice it'll be easier to sell it later.
If the version 3 is large then you might also find the version 4 or the cron large as well. So if you want the size, yes, the asph Elmarit might be the one.
Yes, that's probably the one. I've also got a Nikon D700 with some really fast lenses, so I'll not use the M8 in low light anyway.

What I've heard is that it is very sharp. So it wouldn't match the fingerprint of my others lenses for me.
So to some extent the answer depends on which lenses you already own.
I just want to use ONE lens, so it doesn't have to "match" anything else, but my own preferences. :)

For me I would only buy the Leica lenses. Why? Since you if make the wrong choice it'll be easier to sell it later.
I don't think that will apply in my neck of the woods. :p
For my only lens I'd absolutely get the ASPH, I've seen people carry that combination and think it's great. Especially with a d700 to complement it (or the other way around).

The ASPH is the best deal on new Leica glass. Stunning performance and one of the lower priced pieces.

Here was the V2 on an M8:

but I offended some by posting an image that may have shown the lens in a less than perfect light. I like it fine, it is my favorite lens for shooting K64.
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The ASPH is the best deal on new Leica glass. Stunning performance and one of the lower priced pieces.

Here is the V2 on an M8:

In all honesty - I'd return an iphone that delivers such soft images. I know it's caused by compression and whatnot, but posting this as an example is bad practice imo. Same thing for other threads showing of the qualities of a lens, if I wouldn't know how well this lens performs I'd start doubting now.

The pre-ASPH Elmarits were like Skip laundry powder.

Do you have an example? Any chart or actual image? I had the ASPH mounted and use the v.4 every day, it's an amazing lens.

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In all honesty - I'd return an iphone that delivers such soft images. I know it's caused by compression and whatnot, but posting this as an example is bad practice imo. Same thing for other threads showing of the qualities of a lens, if I wouldn't know how well this lens performs I'd start doubting now. martin

Fine. Example deleted. I'm sorry it didn;t meet your high standards.

I had the ASPH mounted and use the v.4 every day, it's an amazing lens.

I found the V4 to be pretty chalky with B&W films, overly contrasty in many situations when used side by side with my other lenses. Certainly nothing development can't control, but annoying in my workflow.
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