Enjoying my little Sony A7R experiment!


Local time
4:19 PM
Mar 26, 2005
So I'm renting a Sony A7R for a bit to see if it's something I'd like to get. To be honest, it's the first digital camera that I've looked at seriously. I was just never very interested in all the DSLR hunks (though I do have big hands, and found handling an older rev of the Canon 1Ds to be a breeze.)

I must say I'm enjoying the A7R. Sure the shutter isn't silent, but it's not as horrendous as it seemed so many were making it out to be. And I'm rather liking that EVF. Honestly, I think I can almost focus my m-mount lenses (so far used my ZM 50/F2 and Voigtlander 35/F1.2) faster with the Sony EVF than I can with my ZI. I'm 50, so my eyes aren't quiet as fast as they used to be. ;) Last night I was using my 35/F1.2 at a friend's dinner party, and it seemed as if I was able to focus and shoot so much faster in this dark setting than I ever could with my Zi.

To me the EVF almost embodies using a rangefinder. I like that it displays the image just taken briefly in the viewfinder, if I need to tweak things a bit, but just tapping on the shutter release it goes away so I can shoot rather rapidly if I want.

And that Voigtlander closer focus adapter is wicked! I love using it with my ZM 50/F2 and turning it into a macro lens.

There are just so many dang options in the digital realm now. Do I go with this, or go with the Fuji system, or the OM-D system. Gah, it's so complicated.... all the choices.....
Fantastic! If you don't want 36MP don't overlook the regular A7 as the shutter is a bit nicer and you get no vibration issues due to electronic first curtain shutter.

I'm in total agreement: for all the niggles of the A7/R they are a milestone. Quite a big one.
I just slap M lens or OM lens or Pentax K lens I have on hand and just use it like a film camera, i.e. manual focus, focus-peak or scale focus.

Glad you're enjoying it :) They can only get cheaper, and plentiful.
thanks for sharing experiences :)

There are just so many dang options in the digital realm now. Do I go with this, or go with the Fuji system, or the OM-D system. Gah, it's so complicated.... all the choices.....

this is so true. am personally considering between XT1 and A7(r). Sony would be obvious choice for using adapted 35mm format lenses, but Fuji is quite powerhouse with nice selection of native lenses.
I have largish hands and find the camera a bit small. I really have enjoyed my A7 with the battery grip. It fits better in my hand. I wish that it was a bit wider. I also like having more comfort when shooting verticals. Don't ever buy one of the Sony cameras without heavy discounts. My A7 was less than $1300 and the A7r has been similarly discounted through B&H, Adorama and Focus Camera. Also, good chance that a more professional model with improved performance will be introduced at Photokina.
As I mentioned in my other thread in this forum, after reading this:


I'm beginning to wonder if actually the A7S, with it's apparent broader dynamic range, might be a more interesting option to consider.

The A7S's dynamic range is no greater than the A7 or A7r. A bit smaller, even, to be exact. The advantage of the A7S is extreme high iso performance and sans-line-skipping video. You won't find a better full frame video body south of 10 grand, but as a stills camera I don't see the appeal over the other two cameras.

I own two A7's and have contemplated selling one for the A7s, but I think I'll wait and see what Sony has in store for 2015 - maybe an FE-mount speed body?