Ever Loan a Camera to a Kid?

Local time
3:16 PM
Mar 27, 2005
I loaned a Nikon F3HP to a coworker's high-school daughter for a semester long photo class. Camera just came back to me in fine shape. The kid reportedly had a great time in the class and took some great pix.

Anyone else with a loaner story?

Ben Marks
Yeah, I gave my little cousin an olympus stylus and a bunch of prepaid drugstore film, she's got some interesting and fun shots back. I'm not sure if she has them up on the internet at all (I doubt it since she's 8) but if she does I'll post a link.
I gave my Olympus Trip to a friend - he tells me they're perfect for action skateboard shots - zone focus and no shutter delay. Wish there was a digital the same quality.
A friend asked where he could find a manual SLR for his daughter...She was taking a Photo class at our local Jr. College...I told him I had a camera that would fit her needs...
I loaned her my Pentax MX with a 50mm lens and I added to keep it as long as she needed it...I got it back about two years later and it was in as good of shape as when she got it...
It was a good lesson for me as I thought I would worry about and miss it the whole time...I didn't...
Depending on the person I would do it again...
My son just completed a 3 credit photography class using my OM-1. After shooting one roll of film and processing/contacting it, the professor told the class they could continue using either film or digital but my son liked the feel of the OM-1 and submitted ten b&w prints of his Grandfather who's in a nursing home (alzeimer's)

He got an "A" !!

This past Christmas, I gave my nephew my Canon Canonet GIII w/ D flash and he was very, very excited.

Next year, he has a high-school class where he will learn how to develop.

I really want him to have a memory of using film and have so many vintage rigs that I could not excercise them all.
Well, I have loaned my late cousin's daughter, Lucia Luna, my Pentax 645 and a Super Ikonta 6x6 for two years. Many of her last 2 exhibition pictures were from these cameras, and I am very proud of this.
Oh yeah... I had a friend who was taking a college photo class at UW-Milwaukee about three years ago. I gave her my beautiful Canonet and case. Just gave it to her ...but wow, she is hot ...drool. She graduated and moved away. Irish farwell. never see that camera again.
I did once loan a Nikon FG20 and 50/1.8 to a law school friend -- never saw that camera again. I don't think the loan could have been misunderstood as a gift. Some folks, just don't get it. With kids though, I have been lucky. All have treated the gear with respect and all returned it safe and sound. I like to think that maybe one of them will respond to photography the way I did. Started taking pictures at 18 and never looked back.

BTW that Nikon F3Hp is sure a sweet rig. I bought it used in 1996 and it just keeps clicking.

Ben Marks
Haha I'm a kid but I started loaning out some cameras to friends. It's nice to get friends into film, I lent my Nikon N2020 which I never use to a friend who wanted to start shooting.
Also got a couple of my friends interested and they asked their parents for old cameras. One found an FE with a few random zooms. Other friend found an FM with 50mm 1.8. He carelessly lost it a couple of months later :(
I gave away a Konica Autoreflex-T, Canon AE-1, Polaroid SX70se, Polaroid 100, Yashica Contax-Mount SLR, Retina Auto III, and a few others in the last two years. I try to give cameras to those expressing an interest. I started it with a Nikon Ftn with 50/2 to a niece starting photography in high-school.

Nikki has used the Leica M3, Leica CL, Nikon SP, and Nikon S3. First used the M3 when she was 4.
Yup. Works about 1 time in 3, which is why I always say, "It's an indefinite loan, but if you ever lose interest, give it back and I'll lend it to someone else."


Like Brian I have lent my M6 or M2 to my daughter for short periods, and my son and they got some great shots. I gave my daughter a beautiful Nikon F3HP for her 16th birthday. I now wish that was a loan (just kidding). She lets me touch it sometimes, but not use it.
I bought my 4 year old grandaughter a £70 Digital Comapct for Christmas - she really wanted a grown up camera , and uses it !
Can't wait to let her try the M 8 !
I don`t loan tools, books, cars, money, or my wife an anything else not replaceable including my Leicas.

Know where to find a Mint 111C or 111F or M2 R. See what I mean?
Fairly often....

Fairly often....

I occasionally donate working manual SLRs to the B/W photography class at the local community college where I teach computer classes. I also will dig up a manual SLR when I run into someone who appears to be interested in photography.

My reward comes from seeing one of these people pursue a career in photography, such as one young lady who now has a very nice Blog on the internet devoted to her work and event shots.
I gave a pristine Pentax K1000 to a student of mine when she started her college photo program; she graduated 4 years later with a photo degree, and still uses the camera sometimes. I also have given away lots of Holgas to my photo students, as well as Kodak Brownies, old box cameras - anything I have extra that I think a student would enjoy messin' with.
