
Local time
1:04 PM
May 24, 2016
I have recently acquired an Exa Ia in a very nice shape. Cosmetically that is. Mechanically it has some issues but I have managed to pinpoint the cause of it all. Here goes: As you probably know, the mirror is part of the shutter on this little she-beast and so when I wind up the shutter, the mirror doesn't stay at the right place but instead it flips back a little as I let the lever wind back and the thus entire shutter release process gets out of sync.
Now, if I hold the shutter wind-up lever the mirror stays down where it should be and the shutter seems to work correctly. I have managed to disassemble the camera and put it back together but I couldn't figure out how to fix it.
Has anyone encountered this problem before? Any advice on how to deal with it?
Thanks a lot in advance :)
Thank you. Yes, I have come across these sites myself as I was searching and I managed to take the camera apart but I was hoping there is another, more gentle way of solving the problem than bending stuff. :)